Active Recovery

Active Recovery

Find an activity that you enjoy and which is not too hard on your body, and do it.

We walked a 5k and then rode bikes for an hour.

Active Recovery

Find an activity that you enjoy and which is not too hard on your body, and do it.

5k with intermittent running (10 x 2:00min)

Active Recovery

Find an activity that you enjoy and which is not too hard on your body, and do it.

Today was filled with two games of vintage base ball.

Active Recovery

Find an activity that you enjoy and which is not too hard on your body, and do it.

We went swimming in a lake and enjoyed the sun.

Active Recovery

Find an activity that you enjoy and which is not too hard on your body, and do it.


20 Min Clean and Jerk Practice

  • Work up to 5 x 2 heavy hang cleans
  • Push Jerk on second rep

Work Out

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

  • Assault Bike at a 75 rpm pace
  • Air Runner at a 6.5mph+ pace
  • C2 Rower at a 1200cal/hr pace
  • Ski Erg at a 1000cal/hr pace
  • + 15 GHD Sit-ups between rounds

Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

  • Assault Bike at 60-65rpm pace
  • Air Runner at a Jog
  • C2 Rower at 900cal/hr pace
  • Ski Erg at 700cal/hr pace
  • 5 GHD Situps

Shoulder Stability

Y T W’s

2.5 – 5lb each arm
2 x 8

Internal & External Rotation

Band or Cable Machine
2 x 8

Face and Rhomboid

Band or Cable Machine
2 x 8

Snatch Mobility

Overhead Squats

2 x 5

Sots Press

45lb bar
2 x 5

Work Out

21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3

  • Assault Bike at 70rpm pace
  • Air Runner at 6mph+ pace
  • C2 Rower at 1100cal/hr pace
  • Ski Erg at 900cal/hr pace

Active Recovery

5 rounds

  • 5 ring dips
  • 10 Reverse 2 Leg Bicycle Kicks on Pull-Up Bar
  • 15 Air Squats
  • 1600m easy pace Bike (50rpm or less on Assault Bike)

The reverse bicycle kicks are a progression exercise for butterfly pull-ups.

Reverse Bicycle Kicks

  1. Take a Pull-Up Position
  2. Keep Feet Together
  3. Point Toes
  4. Pull knees up towards the chest
  5. Push feet behind and down
  6. Cycle through

Active Recovery Day

  • Spend time outdoors walking