Barbell Cycling

3 rd Warm-Up (In the racquetball room)

  • 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 hang cleans and Jerk (1rd x 45/35, 2rds x 95/75)
  • 5 rep deadlifts -> add weight up to workout weight 205/155

For Time

  • 21 Deadlifts. (205/155)
  • 15 Hang Power Cleans (155/105)
  • 9 Front Squats (115/75)

Rest 1:1 or 5 minutes max

  • 21 Clean and Jerks. (115/75)
  • 15 Front Squats (155/105)
  • 9 Deadlifts (205/155)

Rest 1:1 = If the first round takes 3:30, rest for 3:30. If it takes 6 minutes, rest for 5 minutes.

Time-saving Bar Set-up (per side of the bar)

Ladies: start 5lb + 2 x 15lb + 1 x 25s (155), take off 25s (105), take off 15s (75)
Guys: start 35lbs + 45lb (205), take off 45’s, add 2 x 10s (155), take off all 10s (115)

4 rd Warm-Up

  • 1 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
  • 5 air squats
  • Bar Bell Warm-up (45/35, 45/35, 95/65, 115/80)
    • 5 deadlifts
    • 3 hang cleans
    • 2 push press
  • 5 cal Assault Bike

5 rounds – Every 2 minutes, complete

  • 12 – deadlifts. (115/80)
  • 9 – hang power cleans
  • 6 – Push Press
  • Max Cals on Assault Bike

Partner — One partner works while one rests


3 round Warm-up

  • 5 Pull-Ups
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 15 Air Squats

Light/Half Incredible Hulk (10-minute AMRAP)

  • 5 Deadlifts (95/65)
  • 5 Hang Power Cleans
  • 5 Front Squats
  • 5 Push Press
  • 5 Back Squats

2-minute Rest

10-minute Zone 2 Row

  • Row at a very comfortable Pace

Core Tabata (4 rounds 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) Alternate

  • bicycle crunches
  • Plank

15 min Warm-Up / Set-up

Welcome Back! – For Time (30 minute Cap)

  • 20/16 Cal Row
  • 4 Rounds
    • 4 x Clean and Jerk (115/80)
    • 8 x Burpees
  • 2 minutes rest
  • 20/16 Cal Row
  • 4 Rounds
    • 4 x Hang Clean and Jerk
    • 8 x Wall Balls (20/14)
  • 2 minutes rest
  • 20/16 Cal Row
  • 4 Rounds
    • 4 x Front Squats
    • 8 x Push Jerks
  • 2 minutes rest
  • 20/16 Cal Row
  • 4 Rounds
    • 4 x Hang Snatch
    • 8 x 5m Shuttle Runs

20 min Clean and Jerk Practice

Exercises to focus on

  • Squat Cleans
  • Clean & Jerk
  • Jerks
  • Hang Squat Cleans

Frequency, Lift, and Weight are your choice.

5 min Change Over

5 Rds for Time (20 min cap)

  • 15 Push Jerks. (95/75)
  • 12 Barbell Rows
  • 9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls

12 Days of Christmas

  • 1 – curl
  • 2 – Good Mornings
  • 3 – back rack thrusters
  • 4 – back rack lunges
  • 5 – back squats
  • 6 – shoulder-to-overhead
  • 7 – hang cleans
  • 8 – Front Squats
  • 9 – hang snatches
  • 10 – sumo-deadlift high-pulls
  • 11 – barbell rows
  • 12 – deadlifts

Use a 95/65 barbell

25 min AMRAP

  • 2 x Barbell Complex. (pick your weight)
    • 2 Hang Cleans
    • 2 Thrusters
    • 1 Shoulder-to-Overhead
  • 10 GHD/Toes-To-Bar/Equivalent
  • 10 Cal Assault Bike. (legs only)

This is a long AMRAP, so set a suitable pace and stick to it. The focus is on the quality of reps rather than speed.

10rds (30min Cap) — The Pump

  • 10 Curls
  • 10 Presses
  • 10 Tricep Extensions
  • 10 Back squats
  • 10 Lunges (each leg, so 20)
  • 10 Bent Over Rows
  • 10 Oblique landmine rotations (each side, so 20)

Use a 45/35 barbell

7 rds For Time (35min cap)

  • 7 deadlifts (115/75)
  • 7 hang snatches
  • 7 hang cleans
  • 7 push press
  • 7 back squats
  • 7 burpees
  • 7 push-ups


15 min 1 set of Bear Complex Every 45 Seconds

Bear Complex

  • 1 Power Clean
  • 1 Front Squat
  • 1 Push Press
  • 1 Back Squat
  • 1 Push Press

increase weight throughout the workout

21, 15, 9 For Time

  • Hang Clean and Jerk (95/65)
  • Row