A pure cardio day. We got off the barbells for a day to allow for recovery.
Death By Cardio
EMOM (Every minute on the minute)
10cals to 20cals (increment by a calorie per round)
- Assualt Bike
- Air Runner
- Rower
- Rest
As an example, the first round will be 10 calories on the bike, 10 calories on the runner, 10cals on the rower, and 1 minute of rest. If you reach the 10 calorie threshold before the minute is up, congratulations, you get a few seconds of extra rest.
After the minute of rest, you will repeat, but at an 11 calorie threshold. Continuing adding a calorie until you cannot reach the threshold on the machine. Once this happens back down to a pace you can complete in 45 to 50 seconds and finish out the 11 rounds.