Starting at 6 reps and increasing a rep each minute (6 – 10reps)
Perform as a complex
Build to heavy.
Every 3:00 minutes do 5 pull-ups or toes-to-bar
We capped the metcon at 21 minutes, because of time limitations. I only completed the second round, and only a few made it through the third round. It was tough.
Perform as a complex
Perform as a complex
Overhead squats are difficult for me, so I was intent on going unbroken during the 2 minutes of overhead squat holds. I used a 15lb plate under my heels to make up for my lack of mobility.
I worked up to 215lbs for the complex, which might be a PR on hang cleans. I was tempted to try 225lb, which would have been a clean and jerk PR.
I used the air runner during the Metcon and was able to hold pace through the first four rounds. I missed the final round by 8 reps of the complex. I finished them, but it was after the three-minute mark. I also used 125lb instead of the programmed 115lbs.
Run/walk 3.2 miles to finish the day.
I started the clock with a 95lb clean for 8 reps and 3 jerks for a warm-up, and I worked my way up to singles in the 185lb to 205lb ranch.
I started the deadlifts at 225lb and worked up to 325lb.
My wife and I have been working on our running endurance together. We are now running for 3 minutes followed by a recovery period. My heart rate was in the 145 – 150 bpm range during the runs and I recovered to around 118 to 120. We set a record of 43:24 yesterday, which is 2 minutes faster than our previous time.
I ran 3 min intervals at a heart rate between 145 bpm and 155 bpm, then walked to reduce heart rate below 120 bpm
Clean and Jerks