

8 min Warm-Up

  • Bench Press
  • Lunges


3 Rounds Alt E2MOM

  • 15 x Glute Bridges (185/135)
  • 30 x Air Lunges
  • 15 x GHD Back Extensions

3 Rounds Alt E2MOM

  • 15 x Reverse Hyper
  • 15 x Bench Press. (47% of 1RM)
  • 15 x Tricep Pull Downs


8min Warm-Up

  • Squat Therapy
  • Squat Warm-Up
  • Warm-up Lower Back


3 Rounds Alt E2MOM

  • 15 x RDL. (50/30)
  • 15 x Med Ball Under Hand Throws (20/14)
  • 1:15min Sled Push (145/95)
  • 30 x Alt High-Knee Box Step-Ups
  • 15 x Squats (45% of 1RM)
  • 15 x GHD Sit-ups

Recover bike with remaining time between rounds


Tabata Warm-Up

  • Y.T.W. Shoulder Prehap
  • Cuban Press

Use 2.5 to 5lb weights for Warm-up


3 Rounds Alt E2MOM

  • 15 x DB Upright Rows
  • 15 x DB Press
  • 15 x Band Face Pulls
  • 15 x DB Curls
  • 1:15 min x Trap Bar Carry (95lb)
  • 15 x DB Bench Press

Use 50% of 1RM divided by 2, or for simplicity, use 2 x 25-35/15-25 Dumbbells or Kettlebells


Alt Tabata Warm-up

  • Bar Hollow Body
  • Sit-up / V-ups
  • Light Sled Push
  • Handstand Hold


15 min E90S

  • 45ft Sled Pull (Body Weight +)
  • 4 Box Jumps Overs
  • 6 GHD Sit-ups

5 min Rest

15 min E90S

  • 45ft Sled Push (Body Weight+)
  • 4 Box Jump Overs
  • 6 Toes-To-Bar

Alt Tabata Warm-up

  • Hollow Bodies on the bar
  • Handstand Kickup and Hold


20 min ALT EMOM

  • 8 pull-ups
  • 8 toes-to-bar
  • 8 Handstand push-ups
  • 8 Dips


12-min AMRAP

  • 5 GHD Sit-ups
  • 7 burpee over the ball
  • 100ft 80lb Bear Hug Ball Carry

If you are waiting for GHDs – Hold a High Plank


2 Rounds 4-min (20/10) Tabata

  • Front Scale Left Leg
  • Front Scale Right Leg
  • Back Scale Left Leg
  • Back Scale Right leg
  • Handstand Kick-up and Hold
  • High Plank
  • Low Plank
  • Handstand Kick-up and Hold


16 min (30s work, 30s rest)

  • Max Strict Pull-ups in 30 seconds
  • Max L-Sit Hold
  • Max Wall Walk
  • Max Sled Pull (at least body weight)


10 Rounds

  • 20 / 16 cal Row
  • 25m Ball Carry (80lb / 50lb)