Cross Training

40 min AMRAP

  • 200m Run (Small Loop)
  • 3 x 2- Tire step-ups + 1 – Tire flip
  • 50m Run to pull-up bars
  • 5 x pull-ups
  • 50m Run to Back Pad
  • 8 x Med Ball Squat Cleans (50/30)
  • 13 x Sit-ups

Bench Press

  • 2 x 5 (95/65)
  • 1 x 5 (135/85)
  • 1 x 3 (155/115)
  • 1 x 2 (185/ 125)
  • 3 x 5 (200/ 145)

5 rounds for Time

  • 3 x cleans
  • 5 x Dips
  • 8 x Burpees Over Bar

Deadlift Session

  • 2 x 5 (135/85)
  • 1 x 5 (185/105)
  • 1 x 3 (225/125)
  • 1 x 2 (275/ 155)
  • 1 x 5 (315/ 175)

Partner For Time (40,30,20,10)

  • Ski Erg Cal
  • 1-arm Alt DB Hang Snatches (50/35)

For Time

  • 3000m Row
  • 6000m C2 Bike

20 min AMRAP

  • 250m (around the small loop to the pull-up station)
  • 3 dips
  • 5 pull-ups
  • 50m to pad
  • 10 wall balls (20m)
  • 2 tire flips (biggest tire you can flip)

Accessory Day

  • Knees over Toes Program
  • Reverse Hyper
    • 3 x 10 Light
  • 5 min EMOM
    • 5 x DB Devil Press
    • 5 x DB Front Rack Squats

21min Alt EMOM

  • 5 x Barbell Floor Press (Heavy)
  • 25m Kettlebell Farmer Carrier (Heavy)
  • 10 x Ball Squats (Heavy)

10 Rounds

  • 10 x GHD sit-ups or equivalent
  • 3 Dips
  • 250m Row

4 rounds for time (36min cap)

  • 5 Tire Flips (back pad)
  • 200m Run / Carry
  • 10 Pull-Ups (pull-up bars)
  • 200m Run / Carry
  • 15 Push-ups (around the rocks)
  • 200m Run / Carry
  • 20 Lunges. (around the start of the small loop)
  • 200m Run / Carry

Have to carry a 50lb Ball for one 200m section on each round.


  • 30min Sping Class