Cross Training

Belt Squats

  • 3 x 10 (heavy)

10 Rounds Every 1:45

  • 20 Cal Assault Bike
  • 5 ballistic 10lb wall ball crunch (1 crunch with the ball, then ballistically throw the ball to the wall)

Reverse Hypers

  • 3 x 15 (50% of max back squat)

10 rounds every 1.5 minutes

  • 2 x Snatch (increase weight)

30, 20, 10 For Time

  • Cal Ski Erg
  • Hang Snatches (75lb/55lb)

5 Rounds

  • 10 x Pause Box Squats (125lb)
  • 10 x KB Bench Presses (2 x 35lb KBs)

40,30,20,10 For Time

  • Assault Bike
  • Box Step-ups (20in)
  • KB American Swings (40lb)

5 Rounds

  • 10 x GHD Sit-ups
  • 20 x Barbell Curls / Overhead Tricep Extensions (alt between rounds)


  • 10 Belt Squats
  • 10 Reverse Hypers
  • 10 Landmine Single Arm Extensions (5 each arm)

8rds of 1:45 mins work & 15-second transition

  • Even Rds
    • 10/8 Cal Ski Erg
    • Max Box Step-ups Weighted (50lbs/ 30lbs)
  • Odd Rds
    • 10/8 Cal Row
    • Max Lunges Weighted (30lbs / 20lbs)

4 rounds for time (40min cap)

  • 800m Run
  • 5 Toes-to-bar
  • 1000m C2 Bike

7 Rounds for Time

  • 4 x 25m Farmers Carriers (53s/35s)
  • 23 Wall Balls (20/14)

cash out: 1776 meter Row

Belt Squat

  • 3 x 10

5 Rounds

  • 5 GHD Situps
  • 20 lunges

10 min Max Cal AB

300 Cal on Each :45 on and :15 transition

  • Rower
  • Air Runner
  • Assault Bike

Reverse Tabata

  • Max Assault Bike Cals

8 rds of 10 second Ride and 20 seconds of Rest

5 mins of Rest

12 min AMRAP

  • 9 KBs Deadlift (heavy)
  • 100ft Farmers Carrier

4 rds for Time

  • 50cal Assualt Bike
  • 25 kb Russian swings. (53/35)
  • 10 barbell Snatchs (95/65)