
3 Round Warm-up

  • 10 Air Squats
  • 5 inchworms
  • 10 Walking Lunges
  • 5 push-ups

25 min ALT EMOM

  • 10 DB/KB Thrusters (pick a weight)
  • 10 DB/KB Renegade Rows
  • 12 DB/KB Box Step Ups
  • 15 KB Swings
  • Rest

10-minute Warm-up

  • 3 Rounds
    • 5 toe touch to overhead stretches
    • 5 Burpees
    • 10 cal row
    • 5 DB Snatch Each Arm (25/15)

42 – 30 – 18 For Time

  • Cal Row
  • 1 arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (50/35)


10 min Warm-Up

Glute Crackdown – Partner Relay (U go, I go) for Time

Complex: 20 rounds

  • 2 Back Squats (115/80)
  • 1 Back Rack Thruster

20 1/2 Court Down and Backs

  • KB/DB Farmers Carry Down (53s/35s)
  • KB/DB Overhead Carry Back (53s/35s)

Chipper Finisher: (sets of 5)

  • 50 reps of KB/DB lunges (53/35)
  • 50 KB/DB Sumo Deadlift High pulls (53/35)

15-Minute Warm-up (Inspired by Training Think Tank)

2 Sets

  • 250m Row
  • 250m Ski

2 Sets

  • 10 Banded Good Mornings
  • 5/side DB Suitcase DL
  • 5/side DB High Pull
  • 5/side DB Push Press

1 Set

  • 5 DB Snatch (single arm)
  • 5 Lateral Burpees over DB
  • 5 DB Snatch (opposite arm)
  • 5 DB Burpees

Rest For 5 minutes — (this is a high-heart-rate workout — elevate your heart rate during the warm-up.)

CrossFit Open 24.1 For Time (15 min cap)

  • 21 1-arm DB Snatches (single arm) (50lb/35lb)
  • 21 Lateral Burpees over DB
  • 21 1-arm DB Snatches (opposite arm)
  • 21 Lateral Burpees Over DB
  • 15 1-arm DB Snatches (single arm)
  • 15 Lateral Burpees over DB
  • 15 1-arm DB Snatches (opposite arm)
  • 15 Lateral Burpees Over DB
  • 9 1-arm DB Snatches (single arm)
  • 9 Lateral Burpees over DB
  • 9 1-arm DB Snatches (opposite arm)
  • 9 Lateral Burpees Over DB

Partners for time:

  • 10 Rounds (Waterfall-2nd partner starts when 1st partner moves to Farmers Carry)
    • 9 1-arm Alt DB Snatches (50/35 DB)
    • 3 Burpees over the dumbbell
    • 50m 2-handed Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry. (53s/35s)
  • 1000m Ski-Erg Cash Out (split as needed)

Resources and Guides

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.

5 rounds of

  • 10 DB Pivot Push-Ups (15/10)
  • 10 Alt Renegade Rows
  • 5 Frog Hops
  • 5 Hang Cleans
  • 5 push press
  • 1 man maker

Chipper Teams of Three

  • 1st Segment
    • 210/180 Cal Ski
    • 210 Weighted Lunges (50/30 use DBs or KBs)
  • 2nd Segment
    • 210 Box Step-ups (24″/20″)
    • 210 Sit-ups
  • 3rd Segment
    • 210 Air Squats
    • 210 Cal Assault Bike

Teams have to complete a segment before moving to the next. Two people are allowed to work at a time and can work on any combination of movements within the segment. Split reps as needed.

Every 4 minutes for 4 rounds

  • 60 jump ropes or 40 plate step-ups
  • 20/16 Cal AB Bike
  • 10 alt 1 arm Dumbbell Snatches (50/35lb)

25 min AMRAP

  • 5 x DB Devil Presses
  • 50m Run
  • 8 x Toes-to-Bar
  • 50m Run
  • 5 x Man Makers
  • 50m
  • 8 x Pull-ups
  • 50m Run

Deadlift Session

  • 2 x 5 (135/85)
  • 1 x 5 (185/105)
  • 1 x 3 (225/125)
  • 1 x 2 (275/ 155)
  • 1 x 5 (315/ 175)

Partner For Time (40,30,20,10)

  • Ski Erg Cal
  • 1-arm Alt DB Hang Snatches (50/35)

Accessory Day

  • Knees over Toes Program
  • Reverse Hyper
    • 3 x 10 Light
  • 5 min EMOM
    • 5 x DB Devil Press
    • 5 x DB Front Rack Squats