

Introduction: How to Stop Binge Eating?

Hello as you probably know, I’m Mark Masavage, a once-high school athlete turned software designer, and the creator of most of Innis’ content. In this article, I want to share a more personal chapter of my life — my battle with binge eating. It’s nothing new and many of us face the challenge, so let’s not be afraid to pull back the covers and expose it for what it is, and learn how to stop binge eating.

For me, binge eating wasn’t just about indulging in sweets or overeating at dinner. It is a roller coaster that impacts my health and fitness goals. Despite being actively involved in CrossFit and baseball, I find myself succumbing to these overwhelming urges, especially for sweets. It’s a challenge that tests not only mental resilience.

In this journey, I’ve realized that health and fitness are not just about rigorous workouts or strict diets. They’re about understanding our bodies, recognizing our weaknesses, and taking steps to overcome them. That’s why I’m here to share my insights and strategies to help you break free from the cycle of binge eating. It’s not just about losing weight or gaining muscle; it’s about gaining control over your life and wellbeing.

As we delve deeper into the causes and solutions for binge eating, remember that we’re in this together. Let’s embark on this journey towards a healthier, happier you.

Understanding Binge Eating

As we begin to unravel the complexities of binge eating, it’s vital to understand its root causes. Binge eating is not merely a matter of poor self-control or a simple craving for sweets. It’s a multifaceted issue that can stem from various psychological, social, and biological factors.

What Causes Binge Eating?

Before we can learn how to stop binge eating, we must learn what it is. Experts have identified several contributors to the development of binge eating behaviors. As highlighted by WebMD, these can include emotional stress, psychological issues, societal pressures, and sometimes, underlying medical conditions. Understanding these triggers is the first step towards addressing the problem effectively.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these causes.

Emotional Stress

Emotional Stress as a Trigger for Binge Eating: Emotional stress is a common trigger for binge eating. When faced with high levels of stress, whether from work, relationships, or other life challenges, many individuals turn to food for comfort. This emotional eating is a way to temporarily alleviate stress but often leads to overeating. Identifying stressors and developing healthy coping mechanisms, like exercise, meditation, or talking to a therapist, can help in managing this trigger.

Psychological Issues

The Impact of Psychological Factors on Eating Habits: Psychological issues such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem are closely linked to binge eating. These conditions can create a negative self-image and lead to using food as a coping mechanism. It’s crucial to address these underlying mental health issues, potentially with the help of mental health professionals, to effectively tackle binge eating.

Societal Pressures

Societal Influences on Eating Behaviors: Societal pressures, especially those related to body image and beauty standards, can significantly influence eating habits. The constant bombardment of idealized body types in media and advertising can lead to dissatisfaction with one’s own body, triggering binge eating as a form of coping. Raising awareness about realistic body standards and promoting body positivity are essential steps in combating these societal triggers.

Underlying Medical Conditions

Medical Conditions and Binge Eating: Certain medical conditions, such as hormonal imbalances, neurological disorders, or side effects from medications, can also contribute to binge eating. These conditions might affect appetite regulation or emotional stability, leading to increased food intake. Consulting healthcare providers to diagnose and treat any underlying medical issues is a vital part of managing binge eating.

Each of these factors plays a significant role in the development and maintenance of binge eating behaviors. Understanding and addressing them is key to effectively overcoming this challenge.

What hormone imbalance makes you hungry all the time?

Hormones can significantly impact binge eating. Several hormones are involved in regulating hunger, appetite, and mood, all of which can influence eating behaviors. For instance:

  • Leptin and Ghrelin: These are known as the ‘hunger hormones.’ Leptin decreases appetite, while ghrelin increases it. Imbalances in these hormones can lead to increased hunger and cravings, contributing to binge eating.
  • Cortisol: Often called the ‘stress hormone,’ cortisol can increase appetite and cravings for high-fat, high-sugar foods, potentially leading to binge eating during periods of stress.
  • Insulin: Insulin regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance or imbalances can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which may trigger overeating or binge eating.

Understanding and managing these hormonal influences can be a critical aspect of addressing binge eating. It’s often recommended to consult with healthcare professionals for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management strategies.

My Personal Struggle with Weight and Binge Eating

In my journey, the challenge of maintaining a consistent weight has been closely tied to my battles with binge eating. Despite being a fitness enthusiast and an active participant in CrossFit and baseball, I’ve faced moments of weakness, particularly when it comes to sweets. These episodes often leave me feeling frustrated and setback in my fitness goals. They serve as a stark reminder of the importance of understanding the underlying causes of these urges, rather than just trying to suppress them with sheer willpower.

As we move forward, we’ll delve into the role that exercise plays in managing appetite, an aspect often overlooked in discussions about binge eating. This perspective is essential, especially for those of us engaged in intense physical activities, where the line between fueling our bodies and overindulging can sometimes blur. Stay tuned as we explore this in the next section.

The Role of Exercise in Managing Appetite

In discussing binge eating, it’s crucial to acknowledge the role that exercise plays in managing our appetite. It’s a nuanced relationship that can sometimes fuel the very behavior we’re trying to control.

Intense Exercise and Increased Appetite

Intense physical activities, like the CrossFit and baseball I engage in, inherently boost our appetite. This increase is a natural response of the body needing more fuel for recovery and energy replenishment. However, this can lead to a tricky situation where we might overcompensate by eating more than necessary. Understanding this dynamic is crucial, as I discuss in my article on Weight Gain During Exercise.

Balancing Exercise with Proper Nutrition

The key to managing appetite post-exercise lies in balancing our workouts with proper nutrition. It’s not just about eating more, but about eating right. Incorporating the right foods, particularly those rich in protein and other essential nutrients, is vital. I delve deeper into this in my piece about Foods for Muscle Building, where I explore how strategic nutrition can complement our exercise routine, helping us avoid the pitfalls of overeating.

As we transition into practical tips to overcome binge eating, it’s important to remember that knowledge is power. In the next section, I’ll share some effective strategies that have helped me and many others break free from the cycle of binge eating. Stay tuned for actionable advice and insights.

Practical Tips to Overcome Binge Eating

Tackling binge eating requires a combination of strategies tailored to address both the physical and emotional aspects of this disorder. Here, I’ll share some practical tips that have been instrumental in my journey and could help you too.

Stopping Emotional Overeating

Emotional overeating is often a response to stress, anxiety, or other intense emotions. The key is to develop healthier coping mechanisms. For me, mindfulness practices and engaging in activities like baseball or a CrossFit session help redirect my focus. It’s about finding what works for you – whether it’s a hobby, exercise, or meditation.

Halting Night-Time Binge Eating

Binge eating at night is a common issue, especially after a day of restricted eating or heightened stress. Establishing a routine that includes a satisfying and nutritious dinner can be a game-changer. Also, engaging in relaxing activities before bed, like reading or light stretching, can help shift your focus away from food.

Following is a guide you can follow to break the binge eating cycle:

Step-by-Step Guide to Breaking the Binge Eating Cycle

Breaking free from the cycle of binge eating is a process that requires patience, understanding, and a strategic approach. Based on the insights from Walden Eating Disorders, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you on this journey.

  1. Plan Regular Meals and Snacks: Establish a routine with three balanced meals and two or three snacks each day to avoid extreme hunger that can lead to binging.
  2. Look for Triggers: Identify emotional, environmental, or situational triggers that lead to binge eating by maintaining a food and mood journal.
  3. Find Alternatives for Trigger Situations: Once you know your triggers, devise alternative strategies or activities to engage in during those moments.
  4. Work with an Expert: Consult a healthcare professional or therapist specializing in eating disorders to receive personalized guidance.
  5. Stop Labeling Foods ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’: Shift your mindset to view all foods neutrally to reduce guilt and the cycle of restriction and binging.
  6. Trash the Diet Books: Get rid of materials that promote unrealistic body standards or unhealthy dieting practices.
  7. Make Self-Care a Priority: Focus on holistic well-being, including positive self-talk and body image.
  8. Seek Help: Don’t hesitate to reach out for professional help if you’re struggling with binge eating.
  9. Find the Right Treatment: Explore different therapeutic approaches like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to find what works best for you.
  10. Work with a Healthcare Team You Trust: A multidisciplinary approach, combining nutritional and psychological therapies, can be more effective.
  11. Recognize the Cycle: Be honest with yourself about your binge eating patterns and acknowledge the need for change.

In our next section, we’ll delve into the role of nutrition in curbing binge eating, exploring dietary strategies that support both physical health and emotional well-being. Stay tuned for practical and sustainable nutrition tips.

Nutrition Strategies to Curb Binge Eating

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in managing and overcoming binge eating. By making informed dietary choices, we can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of binge eating episodes.

Incorporating High-Protein Foods

One effective strategy is to incorporate high-protein foods into your diet. Protein-rich foods not only provide essential nutrients but also promote a feeling of fullness, which can help curb the urge to binge. Explore some of the best options in my article on Highest Protein Foods for Muscle Building, where I detail nutrient-dense choices that can be a part of your balanced diet.

The Role of Diet in Managing Binge Eating

A comprehensive understanding of how diet impacts binge eating is crucial. As discussed on Healthline, a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrients can support not only physical health but also emotional well-being. This involves eating regular, well-portioned meals and avoiding restrictive dieting, which can trigger binge eating behaviors.

In the next section, we’ll explore the importance of long-term weight management strategies. These are not quick fixes but sustainable approaches to maintaining a healthy weight and relationship with food. Stay tuned for insights into creating a balanced lifestyle that supports your fitness and wellness goals.

Maintaining Long-Term Weight Management

Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight is a marathon, not a sprint. It’s about adopting strategies that you can sustain over the long haul, not just quick fixes that fade away.

Strategies for Sustainable Weight Management

Sustainable weight management is rooted in balance and consistency. It involves understanding your body’s needs and responding in a way that’s both healthy and practical. I’ve shared my personal experiences and strategies in my piece on Weight Management: A Life-Long Roller Coaster Ride, where I discuss the ups and downs and how to navigate them effectively.

The Importance of a Balanced Approach

A balanced approach to weight management means incorporating a variety of foods, regular physical activity, and mindfulness practices. It’s not just about what you eat or how much you exercise, but also about how you perceive and react to these aspects of your life.

As we wrap up this discussion, remember that overcoming binge eating and maintaining a healthy weight is a journey of self-discovery and resilience. It’s about creating a lifestyle that supports your physical, mental, and emotional well-being.


In closing, learning how to stop binge eating is crucial for our overall health and fitness. This journey is not just about managing our weight or improving our physical appearance; it’s about nurturing our overall well-being. Binge eating, if left unaddressed, can undermine the very foundations of our health and fitness goals.

I encourage you, as part of this supportive community, to seek help if needed and embrace a healthier lifestyle. Remember, it’s about making sustainable changes, understanding your body, and being kind to yourself throughout the process. Together, let’s embark on a path towards a healthier, happier life, free from the constraints of binge eating.

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Our days are full of activity. Some of those actions lead to positive consequences, while others end up being destructive. To avoid the destruction, planning each day will favorably tip the scales, but creating daily habits will ensure a lifetime of satisfaction. 

What follows are sixteen daily habits, split into four aspects of life that will bring you happiness and joy. 

Get Physical with these Four Daily Habits

I don’t know about you, but when I am unfit, I am unhappy. I can’t breathe, move, or accomplish the things I want to get done. So to be in top physical condition, follow these four daily habits, and get physically fit. 


The body is meant to be moved, stretched, pulled and strained. Its purpose is to ensure we can gather food, build shelters, and keep us out of harm’s way. Today, it is not as necessary for us to work hard, physically, to accomplish these simple life tasks, and as a result, we have become overweight, sluggish, inflexible, and weak. We have to find creative ways to keep our bodies in top condition, especially if you work at a desk all day. You will need to exercise daily.

Here are some ideas on how to fit in some exercise into your routine. 

  1. Burn more than 3,300 calories in a day.
  2. Or be active for a minimum of 30min with a heart rate higher than 90bpr.
  3. Or do a stretching routine and
    1. 25 bodyweight squats
    2. 25 push-ups
    3. 1 min wall squat
    4. 1 min plank
    5. 10 burpees


Water makes up roughly sixty percent of your body weight. It regulates body temperature, lubricates joints, and removes waste, among many other functions. 

As you know, water is vital for sustaining life. We must replenish what we deplete. If we don’t, we will suffer from symptoms of dehydration such as fatigue, confusion, dizziness, and in extreme cases, death. Studies have offered several suggestions on the amount of water to drink in a day, but there are no conclusions. We have universally accepted 8 cups a day, but your hydration level is dependent on many factors. Exercise, health, and environmental conditions can impact the amount you need to drink. In short, drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.


I used to pride myself on my lack of sleep. I used to brag about how I could perform on a few hours of sleep a night. Now, I know how dumb I was, and I recommend setting a consistent sleeping schedule regardless of how young or energetic you are. The benefits are too high, not to. Among them are physical, mental, and emotional restorations, as well as memory processing. Forgetting stuff? Try getting more sleep!

I have instituted a few habits to help me sleep better at night One is, I don’t drink coffee or tea after 6 pm, and I stop eating sugar and snacks heavy in carbs after 7 pm. Another is, I go to bed at the same time every night, so my body knows it is time to sleep. All of these things add up and have helped me get more consistent sleep.  

Control Calories

Your weight is highly dependent upon the number of calories you consume over time. Eat too many, and you will gain weight. Don’t eat enough, and you will become too thin. We have been built for our weight to be in constant flux. Our prehistoric ancestors gained weight when food was in abundance and used the excess fat stores when nutrition was in short supply. Today, however, in most cultures, and especially in the United States, food is seldom in short supply. We have an abundance of dense caloric options that marketers have engineered to be addictive. The result, a culture of obesity. 

On the other side of the spectrum, is the state of starvation. Starvation is a state where we are in a severe caloric deficit, which cannot support life. Depending on the person, it will take time to succumb to starvation, but there are increasing negative ramifications as we continue to stay within the state. There are many reasons why people are suffering from deprivation. What I am alluding to is, we do not want to starve–for whatever the reason–because it is not healthy for us. 

Since overconsuming and starvation have their consequences, the best way to avoid these ramifications is to control our calories. The way I do it is by weighing and measuring my food to figure out the number of calories I am consuming and using my Fitbit watch to provide me an estimate of the number of calories I am expending. My goal is to balance the two daily. 

Four Daily Habits to Improve Your Mental Sharpness

The next aspect of life that we want to hone with our daily habits is our mental sharpness. Our brains need just as much exercise as our bodies, and by incorporating these habits into our daily routine, it will do the trick. 


I am not sure about you, but when I was younger, reading was not on top of my list. No way was it part of my daily ritual. Now, it’s a different story. I read a lot. Most of my day involves reading emails, chat messages, or social media posts, but it will take more than reading these communications to sharpen our mental acuity. The best way to complete this habit is to have a few books on hand. Read a chapter a day or even a paragraph. If books are not your thing, find some great blogs, newspapers, or magazines to read.  

Develop your Core Skills

Everyone has core skills, and we need to take the time to develop at least one each day. What are core skills, you might ask? I define them as the skills that I use to go after my life purpose. In my case, a few are writing and programming. I write every day because I want to be a better writer, and I am often reading, researching, or analyzing code to improve my system analyst skills.

By practicing your skills daily, you will quickly become an expert. It does not take long to advance from having a surface-level knowledge to being in the top tier of a trait when you devote a little time to practice every day. 

Have a Discussion

Having a legitimate face-to-face discussion with another individual or a group of people seems to be a dwindling activity with the increasing use of social media and other online forms of communication. Unfortunately, this is leading us towards more significant divisions, tribalism, and separatism as our ability to accept differing opinions and views decline. Funny how tools meant to bring us closer together are causing lines of division. Perhaps, the cause is the ability these tools provide us to express our thoughts, feelings, and ideas on a constant unfettered basis to an attentive and ever-hungry audience. In the past, sheltered by distance and communication mediums that forced us to be deliberate, we were more selective with our speech.

Bringing me to my point, having legitimate face-to-face discussions, forces us to be deliberate with our conversations. It allows us to connect with another individual and see them as a person, and it requires us to think just a little bit before we speak. And, thinking is the cardio exercise of the brain, and hearing a differing opinion is the resistance needed to build our mental capacity.

Solve a Problem

Life is full of problems that need solving, and I am not talking explicitly about relationship issues. Those are tough and worthwhile to spend time upon, but I am talking about ones without as much emotional cost. I mean the ones that you have to put your mind to work, and often result in taking some form of action. It could be as simple as solving a math problem or playing a game of cards or Chess. Or, it could be something more complex, such as an engineering or mechanical issue. Do something like work on a car or bicycle, or write a computer program. Whatever you do, just make sure it takes a little thought. 

Four Daily Habits to Achieve Financial Freedom

Financial freedom is different than financial independence. If you are financially independent, you have enough income to pay your bills without the need to work. If you are Financially free, you are free from the stress of the financial implications of making a life decision. In other words, you can take a family vacation, pay for your child’s education, or by a new TV without feeling guilty, remorseful, or wondering if you are going to be able to eat for the rest of the year.

Let’s take a look at four habits you can implement daily to help you become financially free.

Complete a Task that Pays

Do something daily that pays you. It could be a little, or it could be something more impactful. It doesn’t even need to be your core skill or part of your daily job. If you have a regular job, become a freelancer on your days off. Mow somebody’s yard, clean out their cutter, or do their shopping. Sign up on Fivrr.com or Upwork.com and work on a side project. Ultimately, this habit is more about learning to become a producer rather than a consumer. Also, it is about gaining an understanding of the value of your time more so than making extra income, albeit, it will help support our next habit.

Spend Less than You Make

Even though spending less than you make every day is a nearly impossible task for most. However, if you can earn more than you spend in a day, you will skyrocket to financial freedom. One method you can use to implement this habit is to even out your recurring bills across the days of the month and add any extra expenses incurred on a particular day. The figure will show you how much you need to make that day.

Yes, this is a difficult habit. Seldom can you adjust your daily income to exceed what you spend on any given day, so this habit is more about reviewing your budget often. Seeing positive or negative cash flows will provide you with ideas on what you need to do to gain financial freedom. 

Complete a Task that Will Lead to Future Passive-Recurring Income

In my opinion, this is one of the most significant habits to perform each day, because of the impact it can have on your life. Not only does this lead to a potential passive revenue stream, but it also allows you to be creative and do something for yourself. It is work, but it is for you and your family. You are the boss–the owner. If you can achieve a large enough passive stream of revenue, not only will you be financially free, you will also gain financial independence. In either case, you will be able to devote more of your time pursuing your passions instead of needing to work for someone else. And what would be better than this?! 

Move Your Daily Excesses to an Interest Bearing Account

“My wealth has come from a combination of living in America, some lucky genes, and compound interest.” – Warren Buffet

Compound interest is the most potent builder or destroyer of wealth we know. If used properly, it allows your capital to work for you. If misused, it will put you into an ever-expanding hole and cover it up with a mound of debt.

The best thing you can do is use all of your excess income to eliminate the debt if you currently have credit cards or some other form of revolving debt, the kind that digs holes.

But, if you are debt-free or once you get there, then place your excess earnings into an interest-bearing account so your capital can work for you. If you are brilliant, you will put maximize a tax-free method like an IRA or 401k first. 

Four Spiritual Renewal Daily Habits

Perhaps it’s my weakness in spirit, or maybe it’s the complex nature of spirituality that makes spiritual renewal so hard to define. Even a Google search returns a bunch of fuzzy responses. In response to this, I have decided to define spirituality as the way I interact and feel about the World. In other words, it is how I develop my conscience. And even though the idea is vague, seeking spiritual renewal is well worth the effort. Here are the four habits to help build a well-rounded conscience.


In my previous experiences, praying was a strange concept. Seeing people pray in public, or with a group, always made me feel weird, and when they asked me to join in prayer, I wanted to run. Now, after my conversion to Christianity, and participating in many different spiritual-based groups, I have come to welcome both private and public prayer.

If you are like I was, give it a try. Have a dialogue, then sit a few moments listening. At first, it is tough, but it becomes natural over time. If this is too odd, then use visualization or meditation. Or, read a spiritual text, like a passage from the Bible, and contemplate its meaning. There are many ways to pray. Pick the ones you like and start to pray daily. The benefits are numerous. 

Be Grateful  

Take a moment and acknowledge gratitude for something in your life. Perhaps you’re thankful for your family or job. Maybe you are grateful for a friend or a pet. Have you avoided an inevitable accident by some divine intervention? Take a moment and be thankful for your guardian angel, or if you are not a believer in angels, your luck. It is best to take a few moments every morning to show gratitude. It starts a day with positive thoughts and will carry you through the rest of it. 

Acknowledge and Provide Affirmation to Someone Other than Yourself

In other words, tell or show someone that you are grateful for them, or that they have done an excellent job. Acknowledge they are on the right path, or that you agree with their idea. Let them know if they helped you in some unknown way. If someone is a good example, tell them you look up to them. It is easy to get trapped in our World and not see the numerous people it takes to help us navigate through it. Doing this will help us gain a greater appreciation for those that support us in a variety of ways. 

Spend Time with Your Family or Loved Ones

Spending time with your loved ones seems like a no brainer, but how often does a day pass that you hardly speak two words to the ones you love? We are often distracted by the things that we must get done that we lose sight of why we are doing them–for our families. If the most important conversation you have is saying good morning or good night, then you may want to slow down and develop a plan to build your relationships. Start by spending a little more time with those you care about the most. 

Wrapping Up

That’s it! That’s my advice on the 16 daily habits that will bring you joy and happiness. Some are easier than others, but it’s worth struggling through the difficult ones. If you find that you cannot do them all, do some of them. As they say, “anything is better than nothing.” 

If you have any thoughts or questions, let me know in the comments. Find me on social media and tell me if these habits have helped you. 

See you in the future.