

3 rounds warm-up

  • 2 inchworms
  • 3 Pause Squats (sit in the bottom around 5 second)
  • 3 Box Step-up/jumps
  • 15-second Dead Hang + pull-up warm-up
  • 5 cal Assault Bike

For Time

For time:
50 Box Jumps, 24″/20″. (substitute step-ups)
18/12 Calories, Air Bike

2 Intervals, each for time:
75 Air Squats
15/10 Calories, Air Bike

3 Intervals, each for time:
15 Pull-ups
12/8 Calories, Air Bike

1:1 to 1:2 Work-to-Rest Ratio

Workout provided by CrossFit Linchpin


3 round Warm-up

  • 10 Air Squats
  • 10 Push-Ups
  • 10 Sit-Ups

3 Round of Strength

  • 15 Kettlebell Swings. (Pick your weight)
  • 12 Deadlifts
  • 9 Goblet Squats

3 Rounds Cardio Intervals

  • 3 minutes on Assault Bike (36/30 cal goal)
  • 1 Minute rest between

Core Tabata (4 rounds 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest) Alternate

  • sit-ups
  • leg raises

10 Rounds

  • 15 Second AB Sprint
  • 1 min Recovery Ride Pace

E3MOM for 30 Minutes

  • 12/9 Cal on Assault Bike

Try to complete the calories in 25 seconds or less.


5 rounds of cardio intervals

  • 4 min of work
  • 2 min of rest

Assault bike or Ski Erg goal: 56/44 cal per round of work
C2 Bike or Rower goal: 68/56 cal per round of work


Cals Assault Bike 10rds of 1:00 min on and 30 seconds rest

  • 21
  • 18
  • 15
  • 12
  • 9
  • 9
  • 12
  • 15
  • 18
  • 21

Use the remainder of the minute for rest.

5 min Warm-up

  • Running Warm-up


20 min E4MOM

  • 1:30min Assault Runner Max Cals or C2 Bike Max Cals
  • 2:30 min Rest

5 min Rest

15 min E5MOM

  • 4 min Max AB Cals (goal 56/45+ cal / round)
  • 1 min Rest



  • Increase Heart Rate on AB


15 min of Assault Bike Intervals

5 Rounds of 2 min Work and 1 Min Rest

Calorie Goals for Each Interval

  1. 42 / 34
  2. 38 / 30
  3. 34 / 27
  4. 30 / 24
  5. 26 / 21

5 min Rest

15 min of Assault Bike Intervals

3 rounds of 4 min Work and 1 Min Rest

Calorie Goal for Each Interval

  • 54 / 43
  • 54 / 43
  • 54 / 43

8 min Warm-up

1 rd Squat Therapy

  • 1 min Squat Hold (use counter-balance as needed)
  • 5 -8 Russian Baby Makers
  • 5 – 8 Rack Assisted Squats (focus on upright spine)
  • 5 – 8 Overhead Squats (Bar, KettleBells, etc)

3 rds

  • 5 Deadlift Warm-ups
  • 5 Strict Presses. (kbs)
  • 1 hand stand kick-up


8-min Amrap

  • 3 – Hand Stand Push-ups
  • 5 – Deadlifts (225/155)


2 Rounds Bike Intervals

  • 2 min C2 Bike goal ( 36 cal / 28 cal)
  • 2 min Rest
  • 2 min Assault Bike (28 cal / 20 cal)
  • 2 min Rest

Afternoon Session

Strength training

20 min E2MOM

  • 5 x Deadlifts (increase the weight with each round)


Partner Workout for Time

  • half-mile run
  • 100 Cal Assault Bike
  • half-mile run
  • 100 Cal Assualt Bike

One partner runs in a direction, and the other runs in the opposite direction. When they meet, they turn around and run back. This is to equalize the running time between the partners. The first person back to the bike can start immediately.