


10 min EMOM

10 Power Cleans and Jerks (115lb)

15 min AMRAP

Hill Runs


Grab a few friends and enjoy this lung burner for the Saturday run day.


Run 400m
20 Burpees
Run 400m
19 Burpees
Run 400m
18 Burpees
Run 400m
17 Burpees
Keep going until you get done with a single burpee or until an hour is up.

Today, we are focusing on improving our aerobic threshold by running a few repeats. If you can, run them in a natural environment, and if not, hit an outdoor track to get some sun. If all else fails, run on a treadmill.


4 to 6 rounds of

  • 800m run (moderate pace)
  • max pull-ups
  • max push-ups

Environment Priority

  1. Natural Environment
  2. Outdoor Track
  3. Indoor Track
  4. Air Runner
  5. Treadmill