Squat Cleans


  • 2 rounds
    • 5-10 Trainer bar pass-throughs
    • 1 – Deep Lunge – Warrior Stretch- 30-second hold each leg
    • 5 Scapular pulls
    • 10 Air squats
    • 1 -30-second – 1 min Squat Hold
  • 2 rounds
    • Empty Barbell routine
      • 5 deadlifts
      • 5 power cleans
      • 5 front squats
      • 5 push press
      • 5 squat cleans
    • 5 push-ups
    • 3 pull-ups

For Time

  • at 0 min
    • 12 Squat Cleans. (95/65)
    • 50 push-ups
    • 12 Squat Cleans
  • at 10 min
    • 6 Squat Cleans (135/95)
    • 25 pull-ups
    • 6 Squat Cleans

10 min Warm Up

4 Rounds for Time (outside)

  • 8 Squats Cleans (115/80)
  • 16 Tractor Tire Step-ups
  • 24 Single Under Jump Rope
  • 200m Run

15 min Warm-up/Set-up

4 rounds for Time (25min cap) – Partner Waterfall

  • 16 Thrusters (95lb/65lb)
  • 8 DB/KB – Box Step-Overs (35s/25s) – 20″ Box
  • 4 – Faux Rope Climb Complex
    • 1- Air Squat
    • 1 – Pull-up
    • 1 – Toes-to-bar

10 min Warm-up/Set-up

25 – 20 – 15 – 10 – 5

  • Cal Assault Bike
  • Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
  • 1 min rest between rounds

10 min Warm-up/Set-up

5 Rounds (u go I go)

  • 1 Snatch (135/95)
  • 300m Run or 750m C2 bike
  • 5 Squat Cleans (135/95)

15 min Warm-Up / Set-up

10 min Alt EMOM

  • Odd Min: 5 Squat Cleans. (60% of Max)
  • Even Min: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)

5 Min Rest

10 min Alt EMOM

  • Odd Min: 5 deadlifts (50% of Max)
  • Even Min: 15 Wall Balls (20/14)

Warm-Up – 15 Minutes

3/4 Regional Linda

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

  • Deadlift. (225/165)
  • Bench Press (145/100)
  • Squat Clean (105 / 75)

3,3,3,3,3, 3, 3, 3

  • Back Squat (increasing weight)
  • Broad Jumps

5 rounds for time

  • 25m Double KB Back rack Walking Lunges (40lb / 25lb)
  • 5 kb Squat Cleans
  • 3 KB Push Press

40 min AMRAP

  • 200m Run (Small Loop)
  • 3 x 2- Tire step-ups + 1 – Tire flip
  • 50m Run to pull-up bars
  • 5 x pull-ups
  • 50m Run to Back Pad
  • 8 x Med Ball Squat Cleans (50/30)
  • 13 x Sit-ups

Light Linda

  • Deadlifts. (225lbs / 155lbs)
  • Bench Press (155lb/105lb)
  • Squat Cleans (105lb / 85lb)