

Workout -1 Warm-up (accumulate) 300ft on Versa climber on level 3 1:00 minute in the bottom of an overhead squat Workout-2 8 Rounds 3 overhead squats (ascending weight) 2 L-sit pull-ups Workout-3 For Time Bike 5 miles (8km) either on Bike Erg or AB Every 4th minute 12 med-ball squats (80/50) (6 squats with the…


Workout -1 8 Rounds 2:00 min Air Runner 2:00 Recovery (complete 10 pull-ups with 2:00min) Workout-2 5 Rounds 10 GHD Sit-ups 10 1-arm DB Squat Cleans (5 each arm) 10 1-arm DB Sots Press (5 each arm)


Workout -1 30 min C2 Bike Erg 2 min at 90 rpm 1 min recovery (approx 70rpm) Workout-2 Accessory Work GHD Back Extensions GHD Hip Extensions Good Mornings Reverse Hyper (50lb) 3 x 8 of each exercise. Between sets do 10 push-ups


Workout -1 15 min ALT EMOM 5 x Front Squat (225/155) 5 x Pull-ups (strict) 5 x Push Press (165/115) Workout-2 2-RoundsAlt 3 min of work on each with 1 minute of rest between. C2 Rower C2 Ski Erg C2 Bike or Assault Bike (68rpm/55rpm) Air Runner (a few ticks faster than your 5k pace)…

10/24/19 Whiteboard Workout

Active Recovery 20-minute Walk Maintain a pace of up to 70% max heart rate. 10-minute Assault Bike Ride Maintain a pace of up to 70% of max heart rate 12-minute AMRAP 10 Transverse Ball Lifts (80/50) Ball Carry 25 meters Stand between two boxes set at 30″ inch height, and lift the ball from one…

9/11/19 Whiteboard Workout

Workout -1 Alt Tabata (warm-up) Hang Cleans Thrusters Good Morning Use an empty bar. Workout-2 24-minute Alternating EMOM 4 Thrusters 6 Hang Power cleans 8 Shoulder-to-overhead 10 Deadlifts Weight Scheme Per Round 95/115/125/3 x 135 65/75/85/3 x 95 Workout-3 10 Minutes (cooldown) Assault Bike (50-55 /45-50 rpm)

9/10/19 Whiteboard Workout

Warm-up 8-minute AMRAP 8 box step-ups (20″) 8 pushups 8 Straight Leg Kettlebell Deadlifts (53/35) Strength Bench Press 5 x 5 Work up to a heavy 5 rep weigh Metcon For Time 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Calorie Row 10 deadlifts between rounds (225/155)

9/9/19 Whiteboard Workout

Workout -1 Alt Tabata Kettlebell Swings (35/25) Wallballs (20/14) Toes-To-Bar Workout-2 40, 30, 20, 10 Reps For Time Calories on Ski-Erg or Assault Bike Snatches (95/65) The purpose is to complete large sets on the snatches. Try to not break more than 3 times per round.

9/8/19 Whiteboard Workout

Workout -1 For Time Run a 5k Workout-2 4 Rounds For Time 3 Tempo Ring Push-ups (3sec/2sec) 3 Ring Push-ups :30 Ring Plank 2 x 30m Sprints Workout-3 3 Tempo Ring Rows (3sec/2sec) 3 Ring Rows :30 Ring Row Hold 2 x 30m Sprints Workout-4 20 Rounds Hill Sprints (up and down) 10 Burpees every…

9/7/19 Whiteboard Workout


A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.