

Cardio Run/walk 3.2 miles to start the day. Metcon 7 Rounds for Time (24-minute time cap) 7 Power Cleans (155lb/105lb) 7 Bar Facing Burpees 7 Toes-to-Bar Commentary We increased our intervals to 5 minutes or more of running with 2.5 to 3 minutes of recovery at a walking pace. We improved our time to 41:40.



A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.


Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.


A large volume day with a morning run and an afternoon full of fun.


Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.


We trained squats, deadlifts, and floor press along with a lactic acid bath for a metcon.

An AMRAP Workout Designed on a White Board

AMRAP, as many reps as possible, is a training structure where you push as hard as you can to achieve the maximum number of reps in a specific time domain. AMRAPs allow for a variety of programming opportunities in regards to different time domains, rep counts, and exercise movements. When done correctly, an AMRAP will…


5 rounds of shoulder presses and a Metcon to improve your lactic threshold is part of today’s training.


Clean and jerks, deadlifts and running rounds out today’s training.

Woman Sleeping in a Bed

In our culture, we often celebrate our sleep depravation. We believe the early bird gets the worm, but it shouldn’t come at the cost of sleep.