

Strength 4 rounds 1 heavy deadlift (325lb) 2 chest-to-bar or 2 muscle ups 3 heavy z-press or handstand hold for 20 seconds Cardio 25 min AMRAP 15m KB overhead lunges ( 2 35lb KB) 20 sit-ups holding a KB 15m sprint holding KBs in front rack 10 Squats with KBs in front rack 1 burpee…


Cardio 4 Person workout – Rotate every minute through the exercises until the total is reached. 5 miles Assualt Bike 10k Air Runner   5k Rower Rest


Cardio 1 round 50 – 50lb Dumbbell Snatches (rotate at 5 reps each arm) 50 – burpees 50 – 50lb Dumbbell Snatches (rotate at 5 reps each arm) 50 cal – Assualt Bike 15 min AMRAP 500m Row 12 deadlifts    (95lb bar)   9 hang cleans   6 push presses Sport Play some pickup…


Strength Deadlifts 2 x 5 @ 135lb 1 x 5 @ 50% 1 x 5 @ 70% 1 x 3 @ 75% 1 x 2 @ 85% 1 x 2 @ 90% 4 x 5 @ 70% Cardio 15 min AMRAP 3 deadlifts, 2 front squat and 1 push press (using 15lb ball) 2 chest-to-bar…


Strength 9 rounds 1 Curtis P  (increase weight to a heavy 1 rep) Curtis P = 1 squat clean, 1 lunge left leg, 1 lunge right leg, 1 push press Complex Partner work out – switch as needed 1.2 mile (2K) Assault Bike 4 rounds 12 Curtis Ps (95lb) 24 ring push-ups 1.2 mile (2k)…


Recovery Day Take a full day and spend it with friends and family to celebrate labor day.


Active Recovery Day Spend time outdoors walking


Workout 30 min EMOM Run 400m 25 Air Squats Max Push-Ups 10 Rounds Hill Sprints 2 min rest


Workout 8 min EMOM 12 Wall Balls (20lb) 2o min EMOM 10 cal rower   8 cal Assault Runner 10 cal Assault Bike Rotate each minute 6 rounds 200 m sprints on the rower 2 min rest


Active Recovery Shoulder Stability and Mobility Pec Fly Stretch  1 x 8 (5lb dumbbell) Banded Face Pulls 1 x 20 (15lb band) Banded Angels 1 x 10 (15lb band) 1-arm KB shoulder press 2 x 8 – each arm w/ 25lb kb KB Front Rack Carry 1 x 100m (25lb kb in front-rack in each…