

Strength Day

We are looking to set new 5 rep max for squats and press that will be used to reset our volume day weights on Monday. We will end the strength piece with some cleans for the pulling work.


Active Recovery

With light exercises, we are letting our bodies heal from the high volume from the beginning of the week while get some practice for technical movements.


The following are examples of warm-up sets that should be performed before work sets. Warm-up sets should be used to wake up the muscles, ligaments, tendons, and joints and to prepare the central nervous system for the weight that will be moved; therefore, warm-up sets must be customized to the individual lifter’s needs for a…


Strength Training Squats squat warm-up reps 2 x 5 @ 75% of 5 rep max Press press warm-up reps 3 x 5 at 80% of 5 rep max Workout 10, 9, 8 … 1 reps of Deadlifts at 185lbs Weighted Push-ups at 45lbs Weighted Sit-ups at 45lbs Pull-ups Back Squats at 135lbs


Workout 2019m of Each C2 Concept Rower Ski Erg Assault Bike Assault Runner


Strength Squats 5 x 5 x 75% Press 5 x 5 x 75% Chin Ups 3 x 8  


Strength Snatch 8 x 2 x 90% Clean and Jerk 15 x 1 x 90% Metcon 5 rounds 200m run Snatch  (10, 8, 6, 4, 2) Cardio 5k Team Ski Erg 1 min sprint rest while other team members go


Workout Olympic Lifts Find a 1 rep max for Snatch and Clean and Jerk Front Squats 1 x 3 x 135lb 1 x 3 x 185lb 1 x 3 x 225lb 3 x 3 x 255lb  (or 90% of 1 rep max) 10min EMOM 1.) 5 burpees 2.) Max Slam Balls at 50lb  


Workout 1000m Row 5 Rounds 15 -toes-to-bar 15- front squats (95lb) 50 cal Assault Bike


Workout Squats 2 x 5 x   45lb 1 x 5 x    95lb 1 x 3 x  135lb 1 x 2 x  185lb 1 x 2 x 225lb 5 x 5 x 275lb Press 2 x 5 x  45lb 1 x 5 x   95lb 1 x 3 x  115lb 5 x 5 x 130lb Chin…