

10-Min Warm-Up/Set-up Make it up on the board


10-Min Warm-Up/Set-up 8 Min Alt EMOM 2 minutes of Rest 8 Min Alt EMOM 2 minutes of Rest 8 Min Alt EMOM


15-Minute Warm-up (Inspired by Training Think Tank) 2 Sets 2 Sets 1 Set Rest For 5 minutes — (this is a high-heart-rate workout — elevate your heart rate during the warm-up.) CrossFit Open 24.1 For Time (15 min cap)


21-minutes Clean and Jerk Alternate workouts 3-9-15-21-15-9-3 (15 min cap)


15-minute Row (zone 2) 24-minute EMOM


10-minute Warm-up/Set-up 24-Minute Partner AMRAP. (OUTSIDE) The Rules The goal is to end with the most reps of the KB complex, so keep a running count of rounds. Communication is key.


10-minute Warm-up/Set-up 5 rounds Three-person workout. Begin the workout with 1 person at each station. Rotate Exercise when Ski Erg and Thruters are completedThe goal is to maximize sandbag hang cleans while Ski-Erg is working.Cannot start the sandbag hang cleans until the Ski-Erg is running and must stop when the Ski-Erg is completed. The goal…


10-minute Warm-up/Set-up 20-minute AMRAP (partners) Wall Balls must be thrown while their partner is completing the 400 meters. 1 partner starts on the runner, and the other begins on Wall Balls. Switch when both are complete.