

2 rd Warm-Up Strength 21, 15, 9 for Time (partner – waterfall)


3 rd Warm-Up Strengths – Squats 8 – 10 Lateral Ball Slams (20/14) between warm-up sets 8-minute AMRAP Substitute a KB clean and jerk or clean and press for the snatches if needed. Workout provided by


Cardio Round-Up Alt EMOM: 50 seconds of work and 10 seconds of transition. Do this until 300 cals are reached on each machine. Adjust machines according to the number of athletes. There should be 1 less machine than athletes. Remove machines from button up. Once a machine is eliminated, use the station for extra rest….


3 rds Warm-Up Strength: Bench Press (In Fitness Center) 10 minute AMRAP (Partner Waterfall) 100 Sit-ups Time permitting


2 rd Warm-Up Strength E3MOM for 21 minutes


27 min EMOM (13/11 cals) Complete the Calorie and rest for the remainder of the minute. 100 sit-ups


2 rd Warm-Up For Time (partner) Buy In: 50 Snatch (75/55) Cash Out: 50 Snatches (75/55) Split reps evenly. Workout stolen from the SNL group.


3 rd Warm-Up 3 Rounds for Time 100 Sit-ups


3 rd Warm-Up Strength 5 rounds (Setting the clock as an E3MOM) Pick a Starting weight and add each round For Time (partners) The first partner does all 20 cal, and the other does the next 20 cal Split the clean reps equally


3 rd Warm-Up Squats (Front or Back – your choice) 10 (5 each side) lateral med-ball slams between warm-up rounds 10 – 1 for time 1-down and back 1-arm farmer carry between each round. Switch arms at the halfway point.