

REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Metcon For Time (25 min cap) :45 max cal cardio 5 med-ball Deadlifts (100lb/80lb) 5 med-ball Squats 10m Overhead Carry Workout Ends When You Reach 100/80 cal on Assault Bike / Ski Erg / Air Runner or 125/100 cal on C2 Bike / Rower


Metcon For Time (25min cap) partner 300 wall balls ( 20/14) Every time you drop the ball 2 – 50 foot shuttle runs with a burpee on both ends.


Metcon 5 rounds of cardio intervals 4 min of work 2 min of rest Assault bike or Ski Erg goal: 56/44 cal per round of workC2 Bike or Rower goal: 68/56 cal per round of work


Metcon Group Creates the Work Out Day! Each person picks an exercise, and we build the workout from there. 20 min Max Cal Row (Partner) One partner Rows for max cals while the partner completes 1 round of: 5 right arm kettlebell shoulder-to-overhead 5 right arm KB swings 5 left arm KB STO 5 left…


Metcon 10 rd For Time 1 heavy sled rope pull 1 down and back heavy med-ball carry


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Metcon For Time (23 Minute Cap) 50 Med-Ball Ground to Overhead (100/50) 100 Med-Ball Squats Max Cal Assault Bike Remaining Time You can break up overheads and squats as needed.