

Strength 20 min E2MOM 1 Power Clean 2 Front Squat 1 Jerk Conditioning 20 min AMRAP 300m Row 10 Bar Facing Burpees 10 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)


Conditioning 5 Rounds 5 Min of Work Run 400m + AMRAP 12 KB Push Press 6 KB Squat 6 Burpees Rest 1 minute


Strength 5 Rounds 5 x Bench Press (increase weight) 10 x KB Rows (63s/35s) Conditioning 20 Min AMRAP ERG Begin and Finish With And E2MOM 10 Pushups 15 Air squats


Skill Development 12 Min Overhead Squat EMOM Work on Overhead Squats (You Pick Weight and Reps) Example of work Sots Press Barbell Plates Dumbbells or Kettlebells One or Two Arm Conditioning For Time (12 min Cap) 30 lunge Buy-In 7 Rounds 100ft Bear Hug Med-Ball Carry (80/50) 10 Thrusters (95/65)


Conditioning 3 Rounds 1000m Row at an above-average pace 10 burpees 3 min of rest Skill Development 12 Min EMOM Hang Squat Clean Squat Clean + Jerk Work up in weight


Skill Work 10 Min EMOM Pull-Ups (pick a number) Rest of the minute easy Assault Bike Conditioning 5 Rounds for Time 25 Cal on Erg 15 KB/DB Snatches Right Arm (35/25) 15 KB/DB Snatches Left Arm


Conditioning For Time 100 Cal Row 80 Weighted box Step-ups (35/25) 60 KB/DB Shoulder-to-overhead (35s/25s) 40 Cal Ski Erg 20 Deadlifts (225/155) Death by Assault Bike Start at 2 cal and every minute raise by 2 minutes until you cannot complete the cals. Run 2.5 miles


Core Work 10 Min Partner AMRAP 7 Toe-to-Bar 150ft KB Front Rack Carry (53s/35s) One partner carries while the other does toes-to-bar Conditioning 10 Min AMRAP 3, 6, 9, 12, …. Front Rack Lunges (75 / 55) Bar Facing Burpees Strength 7 x 3 Front Squats (build-up weight as you go)


Conditioning 45 Min AMRAP 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Sit-ups Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Max Cals on an ERG (Ski, Row, Runner, or Bike)