

Conditioning 3 Rounds of 10min AMRAP with 5min rest between rounds 10 x 1-arm ALT KB Swings (35/25) 10 Alt Leg Box Step-ups (24/20)


Conditioning For Time 250 Burpees Every 2-minutes on minute Run 200m Start with a 200m Run


Warm-up 4 Rounds 8 Cal Assault Bike 5 Inch Worms 4 min EMOM 8 Cal Assault Bike 4 Swings Conditioning 8 rounds 2 min of Work 20 Cal Assault Bike Max Double KB Swings (35lb) 2 min of rest


Strength 3 Rounds 1 minute of tempo goblet squats (3, 2, 1) 20 body weight lunges Conditioning 5 minute AMRAP with 2 minutes rest between each station 3, 2, 1 KB Complex (70/53) 3 deadlift 2 front squats 1 Press 5 pull-ups + 10 sit-ups 200m run + 10 push-ups


Conditioning For Time 60 Burpees 60 KB Swings 60 DB Clean and Jerk 400m Run with Weighted Vest 800m Run at some point during the workout.


Warm-Up 4 Min Alt EMOM 8 Cal Assault Bike 8 1-arm KB Thrusters (35/25lb) – 4 each arm During the second round of thrusters, sots press then stand. 4 Min Alt EMOM 10 Cal Assault Bike 8 1-arm KB Overhead Squats (35/25lb) – 4 each arm Conditioning 5 rounds for Time 400m Run 15 1-arm…


10 Rounds For Time (Partner Workout) 25 Cal Assault Bike 200m Run 15 Pull-ups/Toes-to-bar 200m Run


Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Use your Fitness


For Time 800m Overhead Carry (45lb Plate) 100 Push Press (45lb bar) 25 Burpees 50 DB Hang Cleans (50/35) 25 Burpees


6 Rounds For Time 24 Air Squats 24 Pushups 24 Lunges 25 Cal Assault Bike A version of Laredo, which uses a 400m run in place of the Assault Bike.