

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Use your Fitness


60, 40, 30, 20, 10 Ski-Erg / Band Pull Downs Kettlebell swings


10 min Alt EMOM 15 Hand Release Push-ups 15 v-ups Metcon – Running 4 Rounds with 2 min rest between rounds Run for 2 min 30 second rest Run back to starting point You have a +/- 2 second leeway of 2 minutes on the return. If you are 3-5 seconds difference than do 5…


10 min – Partner Assault Bike Max attempts at achieving 1000+ watts in 10 seconds. 4 person 120 Clean and Jerk with 80lb ball


I, like many of you, set my yearly fitness goal at the end of last year and started to work on it immediately after New Year’s Day. I made it simple–work out five times a week. No more chasing max lifts, PR’s, or learning a new movement like double unders this year. I wanted to…


Strength 8 by 3 clean and press 80 lbs  Metcon Nicole (20min AMRAP of a 400m run than max pull-ups)


28min E4MOM 5  1arm Russian swings right 5   2arm swings 5  1arm Russian swings left  5  1 arm suitcase dl left 5  2 arm deadlift 5  1 arm suitcase dl right 5  1arm FS right 5.  Goblet squats 5. 1arm FS left 5  1arm thruster left 5.  2 arm Sumo high pull out of…


For Time 50 overhead squats empty bar 50 T2B 50 burpee deadlifts  #50 50 KB #50 1/2 mile in my vest


If you are looking for a good laugh, you need to follow John Wooley, aka @makewoodsgreatagain. He is a CrossFit enthusiast and satirist. His humor hits home to those of us who are long past our competitive prime but still hold onto our high-school athletic dreams. He swipes fun at everything from CrossFitter’s unnatural desire for…


Partner up: Run 800 opposite direction of partner, meet come back  double fran, 80 lb. one person works at a time (21-15-9 twice through) Run 800 opposite direction of partner, meet come back