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Active Recovery — Cardio Crossover
Pick 2 Cardio Exercises
- Exercise 1 (5min, 4min, 3min, 2min, 1min)
- Exercise 2 (1min, 2min, 3min, 4min, 5min)
- 15 Sit-ups and 10 push-ups during Crossovers.
5 rounds of
- 3 Inch Worms
- 10 air squats
- cleans (2rd x 5 @ 45/35, 2rds x 5 @ 95/55 1rd x 2 @ 115/75
- 8 cal row
For Time
- 20 Cleans (115/75)
- 500 meter Row
- 15 Cleans (135/95 )
- 500 meter row
- 10 cleans (165/ 115)
- 500 meter row
- 5 cleans (185/ 130 )
- 500m row
5 rounds of
- 2 Inch Worms
- 5 Kickstand Squats (Right Leg)
- 5 Kickstand Squats (Left Leg)
- 3rds of 3 Scape pulls and 2rds of 3 pull-ups
- 5, 5, 3, 2, 1 – Snatch (45/35, 75/55, 95/65, 115/75, 135/95)
10-8-6-4-2 reps for time
- Snatch (135/95)
- Pull-Ups
- 2 Down and Back Half/Court Shuttle Runs
6 rounds of
- 2 Inch Worms
- 3 x 10 air squats / 2 x 10 Wall Balls
- 5, 5, 5, 3, 2, 1 (2 x 135/95, 185/125, 225/155, 2 x 275/185) Deadlifts
5 rounds of
- 15 Wall Balls. (20/15)
- 5 Deadlifts (275/185)
Alt EMOM cool down until 100 Sit-ups are Reached
5 rounds of
- 3 inch worms
- 5 air squats
- 5 hang cleans (bar)
- 5 squat cleans (bar)
Every 90 Seconds for 15 min
- clean complex (increase weight as you go)
- segmented clean pull
- floor to shin
- floor to knee
- floor to hip
- floor to pull
- 1 halting power clean (pause below the knee)
- 1 low hang squat clean
at the 15 min mark
- 30 Front Squats in as few sets as possible at the last complex weight
If Time allows
Then 5 rounds
- Back Squat (10,8,6,4,2) 225/155
- Wall Walks (5,4,3,2,1)
5 rounds of
- 2rd x 5 Air Squats, 3rds x 10 cal Row
- 5 Push-ups
- 5,5,5,3,1 (2 x 5 x 45/35, 5 x 95/65, 1 x 3 x 135/95, 1 x 1 x 1 155/95)
4 rounds of
- 500m Row
- 12 Bench Press (155/95)
- Stretching
- Calves
- Hamstring
- Squat Holds
- etc
- 2 rds
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 push-ups
- 50m Jog
For Time
- 800m Run
- 100 push-ups
- 2000m C2 Bike
- 150 Air Squats
- 800m Run
3 rds
- 2 inch worms
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Scap Pulls
- 5, 5, 3 deadlifts (135, 135, 185)
- 5 Wall Balls
For Time (30 minute cap)
- 10 “Rope Climb” combos
- 1 Pull up
- 1 toes-to-bar
- 1 air squat
- 25 Deadlifts. (185/130)
- 50 Wall Balls (20/14)
- 3 down-and-backs (half-court) farmers carry (53/35)
- 50 Wall Balls
- 25 Deadlifts
- 10 “Rope Climb Compos”
- 1 pull-up
- 1 toes-to-bar
- 1 air squat
- 2 rds of Stretching
- 30 second Calfs each leg
- 1 minute of Hamstrings stretches
- 30 Seconds Hip Flexor Stretch each side
- 1 minute butterfly
- 1 rd of
- 10 x Push press (45/35)
- 1-minute light jog
- 1 rd of
- 5 push (115/80)
- 1 minute light jog
Every 2 minutes for 10 Rds
- Odd Rds
- 10 Push Press (115/80)
- Max Cal Air Runner
- Even Rds
- 3 minutes of Light Rowing (50% -60% of workout pace 400 – 700 cal/hr)
- Stretching
- Butterfly Stretch
- 10 reps of Cat-Cow back stretch
- 10 reps each side Bird-Dog
- 30 Seconds Hip Flexor Stretch each side
- Alt Tabata
50, 40, 30, 20, 10 for time
- Sit-ups
- Rowing Calories
- 1 x Down and Back Bear Crawl between rounds.