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Daily Workout

Physical preparedness is a core principle of Innis, so we incorporate daily exercise centering around functional fitness into our lives.

So, in this archive, you will find the daily programming that helps us pursue this goal. Feel free to steal them and use them for yourself.

If you find the routines difficult or cannot perform them for some reason, you should scale the reps, weights, and exercises to fit your circumstances.

Remember,  the authors and their compadres are performing the workouts, so you’re not alone in the grind.

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Improved cardio and muscle endurance
  • Improved barbell cycling

Workout -1

5 min EMOM

Starting at 6 reps and increasing a rep each minute (6 – 10reps)

  • Wallballs (30/20)
  • Chest-to-bar burpee pull-ups


30 min time cap (3 partner teams)

  • Split 500/375 cals on an Erg, Runner, or Assault Bike
  • On your Break 3/2/1 barbell complex 165/105
    • 3 Deadlifts
    • 2 hang cleans
    • 1 shoulder-to-overhead
  • With time remaining Max Reps Synco Overhead Lunges (45/25)

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Increase Power with Cleans and Jerks and Box Jumps
  • Improve cardio endurance with sprint-interval.

Workout -1

21 min E3MOM

  • 3 Clean and Jerks (increase weight each round)
  • 12 box jump-overs (24/20)


12 Rounds on C2 ERG

  • 30-second sprint
  • 30-second recovery

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Improve Handstands
  • Increase Pulling Strength
  • Improve aerobic capacity

Workout -1

11 min EMOM

  • 1 Wall Walk +
  • 2 Sumo Deadlifts (increase weight each round)


4 Rounds For Time

  • 25 Cal AB
  • 21 KB Swings (53/35)
  • 12 Pull-ups

My goal is to push harder than normal on the bike. I can ride comfortably around 60-63rpm, so I want to push it up to 65-70rpm.

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Establish max deadlift
  • Build core strength
  • Improve aerobic capacity

Workout -1

15 min

  • Establish 1 RM Deadlift
  • complete 30 weighted knee raises


For Time

  • 100 Cal Row
  • 80 Cal AB
  • 60 Wallballs (30/20)
  • 40 Lunges with the ball
  • 20 Ball-Facing Burpees

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Increase pressing strength
  • Improve lockout position for snatches
  • Increase lactic threshold
  • Improve movement on the bar

Workout -1

8 Rounds

  • 5 knees-to-elbows
  • 5 sots press
  • 5 bench press

Increase weights for 3 working sets


25 min Assault Bike

  • Achieve maximum bouts of 30 seconds at 80/65 rpm for

Objectives of Today’s Training

  • Improve power production and movement patterns for the clean and jerk.
  • Increase raw strength with deadlifts and pushups.
  • Increase vo2 max (endurance) with interval training
  • Work on gymnastic movement using the rings and handstands

Workout -1

15 min EMOM

  • Macho Man Complex (increase weights)
    • 3 Power Cleans
    • 3 Front Squats
    • 3 Push Jerks

Use the first few rounds as a built-in warm-up, and increase to a challenging weight for 3 to 5 rounds.

Move immediately into the next workout. If you need to warm-up your deadlifts, do so efficiently.


9, 7, 5 For Time

  • Deadlifts (315, 365, 395-405)
  • Handstand Pushups

The deadlifts should be at a high intensity. Make them challenging at 70%, 80%, 85-90% of your 1 rep max.


20 min Alt E2MOM (partner)

  • 2:00 min on an Erg at 1000/700cal/hr pace (Rower, Ski, or Bike)
  • 10 toes-to-rings while partner is on Erg.

The pace of the Erg should be challenging enough to raise your heart rate to a racing level. After you complete the 10 toes-to-rings, use the remaining time for recovery.

If you do not have rings, then do toes-to-bar. If you need to modify, change it to knees-to-elbows, knees-to-waist, v-ups, or sit-ups.

Workout -1

Warm-up (accumulate)

  • 300ft on Versa climber on level 3
  • 1:00 minute in the bottom of an overhead squat


8 Rounds

  • 3 overhead squats (ascending weight)
  • 2 L-sit pull-ups


For Time

  • Bike 5 miles (8km) either on Bike Erg or AB
  • Every 4th minute 12 med-ball squats (80/50) (6 squats with the ball on each shoulder)

Workout -1

8 Rounds

  • 2:00 min Air Runner
  • 2:00 Recovery (complete 10 pull-ups with 2:00min)


5 Rounds

  • 10 GHD Sit-ups
  • 10 1-arm DB Squat Cleans (5 each arm)
  • 10 1-arm DB Sots Press (5 each arm)

Workout -1

30 min C2 Bike Erg

  • 2 min at 90 rpm
  • 1 min recovery (approx 70rpm)


Accessory Work

  • GHD Back Extensions
  • GHD Hip Extensions
  • Good Mornings
  • Reverse Hyper (50lb)

3 x 8 of each exercise. Between sets do 10 push-ups

Workout -1

15 min ALT EMOM

  • 5 x Front Squat (225/155)
  • 5 x Pull-ups (strict)
  • 5 x Push Press (165/115)


Alt 3 min of work on each with 1 minute of rest between.

  • C2 Rower
  • C2 Ski Erg
  • C2 Bike or Assault Bike (68rpm/55rpm)
  • Air Runner (a few ticks faster than your 5k pace)

Hold 1000/700cal per hour pace on C2 machines.