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Daily Workout

Physical preparedness is a core principle of Innis, so we incorporate daily exercise centering around functional fitness into our lives.

So, in this archive, you will find the daily programming that helps us pursue this goal. Feel free to steal them and use them for yourself.

If you find the routines difficult or cannot perform them for some reason, you should scale the reps, weights, and exercises to fit your circumstances.

Remember,  the authors and their compadres are performing the workouts, so you’re not alone in the grind.



1 x 10 @ 135lb
1 x   5 @ 50%
1 x   5 @ 75%
1 x   3 @ 80%
1 x   3 @ 85%
1 x   2 @ 90%

Do 5 bar-facing burpees between sets

Back Squats

2 x 5 x   45lb
1 x 5 x   95lb
1 x 3 x 135lb
1 x 3 x 185lb or 50%
1 x 3 x 225lb or 65%
1 x 3 x 255lb or 75%
1 x 3 x 275lb or 80%
1 x 3 x 295lb or 85%
3 x 3 x 315lb or 90%

Do 5 toes-to-bar between sets


2 x 6  @ 45lb  (used the bumpers from the squat)
2 x 6  @ 90lb (used 2 bumpers from the squat)
1 x 6   @ 45lb bar overhead
1 x 6   @ 75lb bar overhead
4 x 6   @ 95lb bar overhead

Do 5 pike-ups between sets


3500 meter at a 800 – 850 cal/hr pace
Every 3rd minute row 10 calories with arms only


Either take today as a full recovery day or use it to play a sport.

I will be playing another round of Vintage Base Ball.

Take today off from the gym, and play a sport, or get outside and run a little.

Today, I played Vintage Base Ball.


40 minutes

1 minute of work
1 minute of rest between exercises

1. Assualt Bike  70rpm pace
2. Rower   1200cal/hr pace
3. Air Runner (7 mph)
4. Over the Box Burpees (12 reps)
5. Wallballs  20lb (20 reps)
6. Jump Ropes (single or double unders)

The objective is to set a target pace that is slightly above your long-distance pace and hold it throughout each of the rounds. You’ll have a minute to recover between each set, so don’t be afraid to push it.

If you have more than six people than add some other exercises like jumping lunges or air squats. Try to keep everyone on the same work and rest cycles.


Front Squats

2 x 5 @  45lb
2 x 5 @  95lb
2 x 3 @ 135lb
1 x 3 @ 165lb
1 x 3 @ 185lb
2 x 3 @ 215lb
2 x 3 @ 225lb


E3MOM (every 3 minutes on the minute)

21 Sit-ups
15 Slamballs 50lb
9 Slamball Squat Jumps 50lb
7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Deadlift Ladder (Increase Weight)

example: 7 x 225lb, 6 x 255lb, 5 x 275lb, 4 x 295lb, 3 x 315lb, 2 x 345lb, 1 x 365lb


Push Press (or shoulder to overhead)

1 x 2 @ 50%
1 x 2 @ 60@
1 x 2 @ 75%
5 x 2 @ 90%

Kettlebell Floor Press

3 x 5  @ 70lb (each arm)

15 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

5 pull-ups
10 push-ups
15 airsquats

Every 3 minutes due 3 push presses (define your own weight). I used two 53lb kettlebells.

15 pulls on the rower to see how far you can get.

A little secret is to set the damper to 1 and allow the flywheel to spin until the counter stop recording meters.

10 air squats as close to the wall as possible to work on mobility. (If you can put your toes against the wall and get full range squat motion, congratulations!)


30 L-Sit  Pull-Ups (increment as needed)

Partner up

10 rounds each of  (you go, I go)

5 deadlifts @ 225lb
5 Lateral over the bar burpees
5 slamball  w/ 50lb ball

And complete 5 rope climbs each throughout the workout.



1 x 10 @ 135lb
1 x   5 @ 50%
1 x   5 @ 75%
1 x   3 @ 80%
1 x   3 @ 85%
1 x   2 @ 90%
1 x   1 @ 95%
1 x   PR attempt

Back Squats

2 x 5 x   45lb
1 x 5 x   95lb
1 x 3 x 135lb
1 x 3 x 185lb or 50%
1 x 3 x 225lb or 65%
1 x 3 x 255lb or 75%
1 x 3 x 275lb or 80%
1 x 3 x 295lb or 85%
3 x 3 x 315lb or 90%


2 x 6  @ 45lb  (used the bumpers from the squat)
2 x 6  @ 90lb (used 2 bumpers from the squat)
1 x 6   @ 45lb bar overhead
1 x 6   @ 75lb bar overhead
4 x 6   @ 95lb bar overhead


2 x 1000m
3 x   750m
4 x   500m

with 1 minute between each interval.
These rows should be at a faster pace than your 5000m row, but after they are difficult after the hard day on the legs.


Recovery Day

Take a walk.
Ride your bike.
Spend time with your friends or family.
Go to worship.
Stretch and work on mobility.

Try to get outside and enjoy the sun.

10 rounds

1 x 400m Run

w/ 2 rounds of
5  Pull-ups
10  Push-ups
15  Air Squats