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Daily Workout

Physical preparedness is a core principle of Innis, so we incorporate daily exercise centering around functional fitness into our lives.

So, in this archive, you will find the daily programming that helps us pursue this goal. Feel free to steal them and use them for yourself.

If you find the routines difficult or cannot perform them for some reason, you should scale the reps, weights, and exercises to fit your circumstances.

Remember,  the authors and their compadres are performing the workouts, so you’re not alone in the grind.

Partner – Alt E90S Until You Reach 5000m on Rower

  • Partner 1
    • Max Row
  • Partner 2
    • 9 Deadlift (115/75)
    • 6 Hang Cleans
    • 3 Push Press
    • rest
  • Switch at the end of 90 seconds.


Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!



Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Happy Thanksgiving to Our Wonderful Fitness Family!

As I sit and reflect on this year, I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you. Your dedication, energy, and unwavering support are transforming Innis.Fit into more than just a passive hobby; it’s shaping into a thriving community where friendships are forged, goals are achieved, and lives are changed.

Thanksgiving is a time of reflection and appreciation, and I am incredibly thankful for the spirit and inspiring commitment you bring to our fitness community daily. Whether it’s through lunchtime workouts, Sunday Night Lights, or following along on your own time, the sweat, smiles, and laughs make this hobby special.

So, as you enjoy this day of gratitude, know that you are a valued part of my journey. Here’s to your health, happiness, and the many successes we’ll continue to share. Keep inspiring, keep striving, and let’s make the coming year even more remarkable!

Wishing you and yours a joyful and bountiful Thanksgiving!

With much gratitude,


  • 30min Spin Class

Thanksgiving Extra

  • Whiteboard Workout — Workout will be based on the number of participants.

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.

8 min ALT EMOM

  • Odd Minutes: 8 Front Squats (pick the weight – focus on form and depth)
  • Even Minutes: 5 Pull-ups or 8 Ring Rows

5 Minute Rest

8 Min Partner AMRAP U go I go

  • 5 Push press (75lb / 55lb)
  • 4 Thrusters
  • 3 Front Squats

5 Minute Rest

8 Min Partner AMRAP (Waterfall)

  • 10/8 Cal Assault Bike or 12/10 C2 Bike
  • 5 Push-ups

Resources and Guides

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.


Partners for time:

  • 10 Rounds (Waterfall-2nd partner starts when 1st partner moves to Farmers Carry)
    • 9 1-arm Alt DB Snatches (50/35 DB)
    • 3 Burpees over the dumbbell
    • 50m 2-handed Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry. (53s/35s)
  • 1000m Ski-Erg Cash Out (split as needed)

Resources and Guides

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.


Partner for time:

  • Bike Erg
  • Ski Erg

Both athletes complete each round of the ladder on each machine. After each completes the prescribed number of calories for that round, athletes switch machines. Continue up the ladder, adding 3 calories every round until each athlete has completed 30 calories on both the ski erg and bike erg.

Workout Provided by CrossFit

Resources and Guides

Bored? Here are a few articles for you.