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3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 5 x Press warm-up. (2 x 45/35, 1 x 75/55)
- 5 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 5 Dips or hand-release shoulder-tap push-ups
- 5 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 5 Dips or hand-release shoulder-tap push-ups
- 5 Deadlifts (135/95)
- 5 Deadlift (225/ 155)
- 5 Dips or hand-release shoulder-tap push-ups
- 3 Deadlift (315 / 215)
- 5 Dips or hand-release shoulder-tap push-ups
- 2 Deadlift (365 / 240)
- 2 Deadlift (extra warm-up) or 1 x 5 work set
21, 15, 9 for Time (Partner- Waterfall)
- Deadlifts (225/155)
- Z-Press (95/65)
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
35 min EMOM (10/8 cal)
- Row
- Ski
- C2 Bike
- Air Runner
- Rest
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 30-second Dead Hang
10 minutes AMRAP
- 1 shuttle run
- 1 pull-up
- 2 shuttle runs
- 2 pull-ups
- 3 shuttle runs
- 3 pull-ups
- ….
5 rounds partner
- 20 Sit-ups
- 1 med-ball bearhug hold (80/50)
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
- Empty
- 30-second Dead Hang
Strength – Strict Press
- 2 x 5 (45/35)
- 1 x 5 (75/ 55)
- 1 x 3 (95 / 65)
- 1 x 2 (115/ 80)
- 3 x 5 ( work set)
7 min Clean and Front Squat Warm-up
1 RD for Time
- 25 Hang Power Cleans (115/80)
- 50 Front Squats
- 25 Hang Power Cleans
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 5 Air Squats
- 5 Push-ups
- 5,5,3 Hang Cleans -> 45/35, 95/65, 135/95
Strength – Deadlifts
- 2 x 5 (135/95)
- 1 x 5 (225/ 155)
- 1 x 3 (275 / 195)
- 1 x 2 (315 / 220)
- 1 x 5 ( work set)
3rds for Time (18 min cap)
- 500m Row
- 20 Clean and Jerks. (135/95)
- 500m Row
- 10 Cleans and Jerk (165/ 115)
- 500m Row
- 5 Clean and Jerks (185/130)
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
35 min EMOM (9/7 cal)
- Row
- Ski
- C2 Bike
- Air Runner
- Rest
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
- Pull-up warm-up (dead hang->scap pulls ->pull-up)
- Med-Ball Lift
Strength – 5 rds
- 5 strictish pull-ups
- 20 butterfly sit-ups
5 rds for Time (partner)
- 250m Row & A Down and Back Farmers Carry (70s/53s)
- Each partner rows and carries in the round, then combined complete
- 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 Heavy Med-Ball Over Shoulder (150 / 100)
3 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
Strength – Back Squats
- 2 x 5 (45/35)
- 1 x 5 (95/65)
- 1 x 3 (135/95)
- 1 x 2 (185/125)
- 6 x 3 (work sets)
21 ,15, 9, 9, 15, 21 For Time
- Cal Ski Erg
- Hand Release Push-ups
4 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups
- 10 Air Squats
- 10 Turkish Get Ups
- 20 KB Pull Through – Push-ups
10 to 1 with a Kettlebell
- Goblet Squat
- 1 arm Swing (Left then Right)
- Right then Left
- Hang Clean and Jerk
- 1 arm Thrusters
4 rd Warm-Up
- 2 x 1 inchworm + 2 shoulder tap push-ups + 1 jump
- 50m Jog
- 5 KB Swings Warm-up (Half Russians -> Russians -> Americans)
28 minute AMRAP
- 200m Run
- 15 butterfly sit-ups. (Reach to the toes)
- 200m Run
- 12 KB American Swings (63lb / 40lb)
- 200m Run
- 9 Burpees
- 2 Minute Rest