Physical Training

8/26/19 Whiteboard Workout

Warm-up 6-min Alt EMOM 10 Wallballs (20/14) 10 KB Swings (53/35) Strength 20 Minutes of Deadlifting Work Up to a Heavy Set of 5 At 14 minute mark 2 x 15 at 225/155 3 minutes rest between sets Metcon For Time (21 min time cap) 10 Thrusters (50/30 med-ball) 3,000m row Every 3 minutes 10…



A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.

A row of Assault Bikes with the caption active recovery day.

Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.

8/23/19 Whiteboard Workout

Warm-up 9-min Alt EMOM 10 Wallballs (20/14) 10 Burpees 10 Box Step-ups Strength Complex 1 high-hang squat clean 1 low-hang squat clean 1 full squat clean 1 jerk Build to heavy Metcon 3 Rounds for Time 21 cal row 15 deadlifts (225/155) 9 toes-to-bar or pull-ups

8/22/19 Whiteboard Workout

Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.


Warm-up Tabata ( 8 rounds) :20 of work Max KB Swings (53/35) :10 of rest Strength Work up to a heavy set of 3 deadlifts Metcon 8 Rounds for Time 8 pushups 8 situps 8 air squats 8 pull-ups 8 deadlifts (95/65) 8 hang cleans (95/65) 8 shoulder-to-overhead (95/65) 8 cal row


Warm-up 6 Rounds :30 of work Alt Exercise Each Round Max Hang Clusters w/ Bar Max Knees-to-Waist Max Burpees :30 of rest Strength 10 min EMOM Build to heavy. Complex 1 Power Clean 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Jerk Metcon For Time – 30 minute time cap Partner Workout 300 Cals on Assault Bike or…



A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.


Sport allows us to demonstrate our improvements in overall fitness and health. Playing an amateur sport is an excellent way to continue our fitness journey.

A row of Assault Bikes with the caption active recovery day.

Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.