Physical Training


A challenging workout for the Tuesday night class. This one left everyone in a state of shock.


Run a 5k for monostructural metabolic conditioning (i.e. cardio).


Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.


Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.


A quick workout for a Friday afternoon. The workout includes, pull-ups, and dumbbells.



A full day of rest and eating to recover from the heavy volume of the week.


Afternoon Session Strength training 20 min E2MOM 5 x Deadlifts (increase the weight with each round) Metcon Partner Workout for Time half-mile run 100 Cal Assault Bike half-mile run 100 Cal Assualt Bike One partner runs in a direction, and the other runs in the opposite direction. When they meet, they turn around and run…


Another two-a-day with an lunch time 5k and an evening of squat cleans, handstands, and cardio.


Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.


Active Recovery

If you do anything at all, make sure it is at a moderate to light pace. Don’t over do it. Let your body recover.