Physical Training

Snatch Lift

Strength Overhead Squat 1 x 10 warmup  (air squats or 15lb training bar) 1 x 3 @ 50% 1 x 3 @ 60% 1 x 3 @ 70% 1 x 3 @ 80% 4 x 3 @ 90% Snatch warm up (light high pulls, empty bar snatches) 1 x 2 @ 50% 1 x 2…


Warm-up 3 Rounds 5 Kettlebell Swings   (75lb Kb) 5 Kettlebell Squats 5 Kettlebell Thrusters Strength Tempo Front Squats 8 x 2 (3 sec down, 2 sec pause, fast up) 15 count hollow-body between rounds Workout  (Partner) Rotate as needed 1500m row partner holds a plank 100 wall balls partner holds a flex-arm pull-up 100 floor-presses (115lb) partner farmer…


Deadlifts 1 x 10 @ 135lb 1 x   5 @ 50% 1 x   5 @ 75% 1 x   3 @ 80% 1 x   3 @ 85% 1 x   2 @ 90% Back Squats 2 x 5 x   45lb 1 x 5 x   95lb 1 x 3 x 135lb 1 x 3 x 225lb or 65%…

Man Sleeping on Coach

Recovery Day Take a walk. Ride your bike. Spend time with your friends or family. Go to worship. Stretch and work on mobility.

The Batesville Resevoir

Today, we are focusing on improving our aerobic threshold by running a few repeats. If you can, run them in a natural environment, and if not, hit an outdoor track to get some sun. If all else fails, run on a treadmill. Workout 4 to 6 rounds of 800m run (moderate pace) max pull-ups max…


Workout 30 min EMOM (Every Minute ON the Minute) 1 Round of Kettlebell (Right Hand) 12 Deadlifts  9 Hang Cleans  6 Push Press 12 cal Row 1 Round of Kettlebell (Left Hand) 12 Deadlifts   9 Hang Cleans   6 Push Press 150m Run 3 rope wall climbs or 9 pull-ups and 9 air squats…


Active Recovery!  Enjoy some light rowing, running, or walking and some light accessory lifting. Accessories DB Upright Shoulder Rows 3 x 8 each arm @ 25 to 35lb DB Strict Shoulder Press 3 x 8 each arm @ 35lb Banded Hip Flexor Raises 3 x 8 each leg  


Strength Day 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Deadlift   @ 1.5 x body weight Benchpress @  body weight Squat Clean @ .75 x body weight Feel free to scale the weight.  I scaled both the bench and the squat cleans.


Strength 6 rounds 3-push press (work towards a 3 rep max) 3 – jumping burpees Workout Partner Up First 10 min (AMRAP) –  1 man on cardio and 1 man on wallball 10 cal (Rower, Assault Bike, Runner) 10 Wallballs @ 20lb Rest 2min Second 10 min (AMRAP) – You go I go 5 –…


Deadlifts 2 x 5 @ 135lb 1 x 5 @ 50% 1 x 5 @ 75% 1 x 3 @ 80% 1 x 3 @ 85% 1 x 2 @ 90% Back Squats 2 x 5 x   45lb 1 x 5 x 135lb 1 x 3 x 225lb or 65% 1 x 3 x 255lb…