Physical Training


Warm-Up 2 rounds 1min arms and legs 1min arms only 1min legs only Power Cleans with Front Squat 1 x 2 @ 50% 1 x 2 @ 60@ 1 x 2 @ 75% 5 x 2 @ 90% Arms 3 rounds 10 pull-ups 20 push-ups Workout 10 Rounds 30 – Single Under Jump Ropes 3 …


Strength 9 rounds 1 x rm(repetition max) squat-clean thruster 1 x rope climb Workout 30 x Handstand Push-ups (or kneeling dumbbell press) 60 x toes-to-bar or knees-to-waist 90 x wallball 20lb 60 x toes-to-bar or knees-to-waist 30 x Handstand Push-ups (or kneeling dumbbell press) If you scale to the kneeling dumbbell press use a weight…


Deadlifts 1 x 10 @ 135lb 1 x   5 @ 50% 1 x   5 @ 75% 1 x   3 @ 80% 1 x   3 @ 85% 1 x   2 @ 90% Do 5 bar-facing burpees between sets Back Squats 2 x 5 x   45lb 1 x 5 x   95lb 1 x 3 x 135lb 1…


Either take today as a full recovery day or use it to play a sport. I will be playing another round of Vintage Base Ball.


Take today off from the gym, and play a sport, or get outside and run a little. Today, I played Vintage Base Ball.


Workout 40 minutes 1 minute of work 1 minute of rest between exercises 1. Assualt Bike  70rpm pace 2. Rower   1200cal/hr pace 3. Air Runner (7 mph) 4. Over the Box Burpees (12 reps) 5. Wallballs  20lb (20 reps) 6. Jump Ropes (single or double unders) The objective is to set a target pace that…


Front Squats 2 x 5 @  45lb 2 x 5 @  95lb 2 x 3 @ 135lb 1 x 3 @ 165lb 1 x 3 @ 185lb 2 x 3 @ 215lb 2 x 3 @ 225lb Workout E3MOM (every 3 minutes on the minute) 21 Sit-ups 15 Slamballs 50lb 9 Slamball Squat Jumps 50lb…


Push Press (or shoulder to overhead) 1 x 2 @ 50% 1 x 2 @ 60@ 1 x 2 @ 75% 5 x 2 @ 90% Kettlebell Floor Press 3 x 5  @ 70lb (each arm) Workout 15 min AMRAP (as many rounds as possible) 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 airsquats Every 3 minutes due…


Warm-Up 15 pulls on the rower to see how far you can get. A little secret is to set the damper to 1 and allow the flywheel to spin until the counter stop recording meters. 10 air squats as close to the wall as possible to work on mobility. (If you can put your toes…


Deadlifts 1 x 10 @ 135lb 1 x   5 @ 50% 1 x   5 @ 75% 1 x   3 @ 80% 1 x   3 @ 85% 1 x   2 @ 90% 1 x   1 @ 95% 1 x   PR attempt Back Squats 2 x 5 x   45lb 1 x 5 x   95lb 1 x 3…