Physical Training


Workout 20 min AMRAP Run 400m Max unbroken pull-ups The objective is to maximize the number of pull-ups you perform. Once you drop from the bar, run 400m before starting another set of pull-ups.


Workout 20min EMOM (every min on the min) 15 cal Assault Bike (on even minutes) 50m run + 5 box-over burpees (on odd minutes) Strength Establish 1 rm for power cleans or snatches.


Deadlifts 2 x 5 @ 135lb 1 x 5 @ 50% 1 x 3 @ 70% 1 x 3 @ 75% 1 x 2 @ 80% 1 x 5 @ 85% Accessory Hip Flexor 3 x 8 Rower 10min easy row


Warm-Up 2 rounds 1min arms and legs 1min arms only 1min legs only Power Cleans with Front Squat 1 x 2 @ 50% 1 x 2 @ 60@ 1 x 2 @ 75% 5 x 2 @ 90% Arms 3 rounds 10 pull-ups 20 push-ups Workout 10 Rounds 30 – Single Under Jump Ropes 3 …


Strength 9 rounds 1 x rm(repetition max) squat-clean thruster 1 x rope climb Workout 30 x Handstand Push-ups (or kneeling dumbbell press) 60 x toes-to-bar or knees-to-waist 90 x wallball 20lb 60 x toes-to-bar or knees-to-waist 30 x Handstand Push-ups (or kneeling dumbbell press) If you scale to the kneeling dumbbell press use a weight…


Deadlifts 1 x 10 @ 135lb 1 x   5 @ 50% 1 x   5 @ 75% 1 x   3 @ 80% 1 x   3 @ 85% 1 x   2 @ 90% Do 5 bar-facing burpees between sets Back Squats 2 x 5 x   45lb 1 x 5 x   95lb 1 x 3 x 135lb 1…


Either take today as a full recovery day or use it to play a sport. I will be playing another round of Vintage Base Ball.


Take today off from the gym, and play a sport, or get outside and run a little. Today, I played Vintage Base Ball.


Workout 40 minutes 1 minute of work 1 minute of rest between exercises 1. Assualt Bike  70rpm pace 2. Rower   1200cal/hr pace 3. Air Runner (7 mph) 4. Over the Box Burpees (12 reps) 5. Wallballs  20lb (20 reps) 6. Jump Ropes (single or double unders) The objective is to set a target pace that…


Front Squats 2 x 5 @  45lb 2 x 5 @  95lb 2 x 3 @ 135lb 1 x 3 @ 165lb 1 x 3 @ 185lb 2 x 3 @ 215lb 2 x 3 @ 225lb Workout E3MOM (every 3 minutes on the minute) 21 Sit-ups 15 Slamballs 50lb 9 Slamball Squat Jumps 50lb…