Physical Training


12 Days of Christmas Use a 95/65 barbell


1 Hr of Zone 2 Training Your Pick Maintain a heart rate between 60 – 70% of Max.


10min Warm-Up / Set-up 30 Rounds for Time (25 min Cap)


Zone2 Day (Cap 30min) Completing the distance is secondary to controlling the heart rate. Try to maintain 60% – 70% of Max Heart Rate. If you don’t have an HR monitor, being able to carry on a conversation is a good indicator of zone 2. If you want to know more about HR and Exercise,…


Pull-Up Strength Builder White Board Finisher


Chipper for Time (45 min cap) Pick the order, but all reps must be completed before moving to the next exercise.


Warm-Up – 15 Minutes 3/4 Regional Linda 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1


8 Minute Warm-up It’s Not Always a Race- Not for Time The focus for today is form while attempting to maintain a zone 2 or below heart rate. For simplicity: Zone 2 is 60 to 70% of max heart rate, and max heart rate is calculated by subtracting your age from 220.