Physical Training


Repeat until 3000m are reached on each machine – Partner Workout Each partner – 25m overhead plate carry (35lb) 1 partner rows 250m While their partner does 25 plate jumps and 5 burpees Then Switch Each Partner 25m overhead plate carry (35lb) 1 partner Skis 250m While their partner does 25 plate jumps and 5…


For Time (40min cap) 500m Row 5 rounds of Cindy 400m Run 4 rounds of Cindy 300m Ski 3 rounds of Cindy 200 single unders 2 rounds of Cindy 100 cal Assault Bike 1 round of Cindy 1 round of Cindy is 5 pull-ups 10 push-ups 15 Air Squats


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


5 Rounds every 4 minutes Complete the following in under 2 minutes. 5 Snatches (115/65) 5 Bar Facing Burpees 15 Cal AB The score is the accumulated time it takes to perform the five work rounds.


4 Rounds For Time 400m Run. (5 laps around the perimeter of the basketball court) 300m Ski/Row. Ski all rounds unless there are not enough ergs, then row 2 rounds and ski 2 rounds.


Metcon 30 minutes of Cycling.


The Chief- 5 rounds of 3 min AMRAP and 1 min rest 3 power cleans (135/95) 6 push-ups 9 air squats


20-minute AMRAP 19 Cal Row 19 Wall Balls (20/14)


16 min EMOM 9 cal row 7 front Squats. (135/65) 5 bar facing burpees 3 power cleans and jerks. (165/95)


4 Rounds for Time 5 x run perimeter of the basketball court (roughly 400m) 5 x Ground to Overhead with Med-Ball (80/50) 1 x Down and Back Framer Carry (53’s/35’s) (roughly 50m)