Physical Training


16 min AMRAP 5 deadlifts (225/155) 9 Box Jumps / Box Step-ups (24/20) 14 Cal Row 10 min AB AMRAP (Bonus) 50 x Sit-ups 40 x Russian Twist 30 x Bicycle Kicks 20 x v-ups 10 x Leg ups


KB Cycling 30 alt Clean and Press rest 2:00m 30 alt Snatch rest 2:00m 60 alt Clean and Press rest 2:00m 60 al Snatches Pick a heavy KB for the sets of 30 and then reduce the weight for the sets of 60 10 min AB AMRAP 50 x Sit-ups 40 x Russian Twist 30…


27, 21, 15, 9 For Time (30 min cap) Front Squats (95/65) Rowing Lunges 4, 3, 2, 1 Wall Walks


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Team 300 cal on each (1min work: 15sec transition Rowing Runner Ski Rest If more than 4 people add the C2 Bike. If more than 5, and a round of 1 wall walk.


Metcon 30 minutes of Cycling.


12 min warm-up Deadlifts Air Squats Shoulders Rowing AMRAP (18 min cap) 25 Wall Balls. (20/14 25 Deadlifts (135/95) 25 Push-ups 25 Cal Row/Ski


12 min warm-up shoulders Lunges Rowing For Time. (15 min cap) 2000m Row E2MOM – 2 Curtis P’s (95/65) Curtis P = 1 Squat Clean, 2 lunges, and 1 Push Press 10 min AMRAP Cool Down 50-100m of light rowing 5 air squats 6 Body Weight Lunges