Physical Training


20 Minute Alt EMOM Min 1 – 12 x Front Squat Min 2 – 12 x Push Press Min 3 – 12 x Thruster Min 4 – 200m Run Rest Use a 75/55 barbell or 2 x 35/25 Kettlebells.


1 min : 10 sec transition until reach 300 cal on each Assault Bike Ski Erg Air Runner C2 Rower Rest Match the number of stations with athletes.


14 min AMRAP 400m Run max strict pull-ups max dips Complete as many rounds as possible. This workout is based on CrossFit®’s workout of the day.


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


10 Rounds of 1 min work and 1 min rest 4 Deadlifts (275/185) 50m Shuttle Run Max Cal Assault Bike Score: Accumulated Cals


Metcon 30 minutes of Cycling.


E3MOM for 30 Minutes Buy In: 4 minutes for a 400m run then, Until your reach 100 Thrusters 2 min of Work 100m run Max Thrusters (95/60) 2 min of Rest


For each part: 5-minute AMRAPs and 1-minute Rest Between Part 1 15 cal C2 Bike 10 Lunges 5 clean and jerk (165 / 115) Part 2 15 cal Row 10 x wall ball. (20/14) 5 KB Deadlift (70/53) Part 3 15 cal Ski Erg 10 GHD Sit-ups 5 Bench Press (185/95) Part 4 15 Air…