Physical Training


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Metcon EMOM – Death by Assault Bike 1 cal the first minute 2 cal the second minute 3 cal the third minute etc Go until you cannot achieve the calorie count for that minute. For Time 100 Air Squats 25 Strict Pull Ups 75 Air Squats 20 Strict Pulls Ups 50 Air Squats 15 Strict…


Metcon For Time 100 Air Squats 25 Strict Pull Ups 75 Air Squats 20 Strict Pulls Ups 50 Air Squats 15 Strict Pull Ups Score – Max Cals


Metcon 30 minutes of Cycling.


Metcon 15 min of Deadlift 5, 5, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 Work up to heavy singles at the 15 min mark – Immediately into 15 min AMRAP 50Ft -of Ball Clean and Throws (80/50) 5 – Burpees


Metcon 18 minute Alt EMOM 10 goblet squats (90/60) 12 TTB Max Cal AB Score – Max Cals


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!