Physical Training


Metcon For Time 24, 18, 12 – Assault Bike Calories 12, 9. 6 – Heavy Med-Ball Over Shoulder. (150/100) rest 1:1 or for a max of 5 minutes Repeat cash out: 6 x 50ft Overhead Med Ball (80/50)


Metcon E3MOM – for 30 minutes (10 Rounds) 1000m C2 Bike or (28/22 cal assault bike) 5 toes-to-bar 5 heavy KB swings (63+ / 40 +) Aim for 2:30 minutes of work and 30 seconds of rest. If time becomes an issue, reduce meters or calories accordingly.


Metcon 15 min of Clean and Jerk 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 Work up to heavy singles at the 15 min mark – Immediately into For Time (12 min cap) 21, 15, 9. deadlifts (225/155) 12, 9, 6. Bar Facing Burpees


Training Objectives Honor those who gave their lives in service to our country Murph Run a Mile 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats Run a Mile


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Metcon 15 min AMRAP 3 Thrusters (95/65) 3 Toes-to-bar 6 Thrusters 6 Toes-to-Bar 9 Thrusters 9 Toes-to-Bar etc…..


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!


Metcon 30 minutes of Cycling.


REST DAY Everybody needs a day of rest. Enjoy it!