Physical Training


Conditioning 3 Rounds 1000m Row at an above-average pace 10 burpees 3 min of rest Skill Development 12 Min EMOM Hang Squat Clean Squat Clean + Jerk Work up in weight


Skill Work 10 Min EMOM Pull-Ups (pick a number) Rest of the minute easy Assault Bike Conditioning 5 Rounds for Time 25 Cal on Erg 15 KB/DB Snatches Right Arm (35/25) 15 KB/DB Snatches Left Arm


Conditioning For Time 100 Cal Row 80 Weighted box Step-ups (35/25) 60 KB/DB Shoulder-to-overhead (35s/25s) 40 Cal Ski Erg 20 Deadlifts (225/155) Death by Assault Bike Start at 2 cal and every minute raise by 2 minutes until you cannot complete the cals. Run 2.5 miles


Core Work 10 Min Partner AMRAP 7 Toe-to-Bar 150ft KB Front Rack Carry (53s/35s) One partner carries while the other does toes-to-bar Conditioning 10 Min AMRAP 3, 6, 9, 12, …. Front Rack Lunges (75 / 55) Bar Facing Burpees Strength 7 x 3 Front Squats (build-up weight as you go)


Conditioning 45 Min AMRAP 50, 40, 30, 20, 10 Sit-ups Kettlebell Swings (53/35) Max Cals on an ERG (Ski, Row, Runner, or Bike)


Skill Work 10 Min Handstand Work Handstand Push-ups Handstand Walks Pike Push-ups Work on Handstands Clock will be set as a 10 min EMOM Conditioning 5 rounds for time 10 x DB/KB 1 arm alt hang clean and jerk (50+/ 35+) 10 x DB/KB Box step-ups (same weight)


Skill Work 10 Min EMOM 3 to 5 Barbell Snatches (work-up lbs at your own pace) Conditioning 40, 30, 20, 10 for time Cals on Erg (Ski, Bike, Row) Wall balls (20/14)


Training Objectives Honor those who gave their lives in service to our country Murph Run a Mile 100 pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 air squats Run a Mile


Active Recovery Walk a 5k