Physical Training


Strength 8 by 3 clean and press 80 lbs  Metcon Nicole (20min AMRAP of a 400m run than max pull-ups)


28min E4MOM 5  1arm Russian swings right 5   2arm swings 5  1arm Russian swings left  5  1 arm suitcase dl left 5  2 arm deadlift 5  1 arm suitcase dl right 5  1arm FS right 5.  Goblet squats 5. 1arm FS left 5  1arm thruster left 5.  2 arm Sumo high pull out of…


For Time 50 overhead squats empty bar 50 T2B 50 burpee deadlifts  #50 50 KB #50 1/2 mile in my vest


Partner up: Run 800 opposite direction of partner, meet come back  double fran, 80 lb. one person works at a time (21-15-9 twice through) Run 800 opposite direction of partner, meet come back 


Team of 4 for Time 600 Cal on AB 200 100lb Med-Ball to Shoulder 1 Ball and 2 Assault Bikes.


40, 30, 20, 10 Front squat #80 Push press 2 dumbbells #50 Box jumps (pick a height at the wall in the back) Dumbbell clean #50


For Time 75 Man Makers Any Break do 15 pull-ups/TTB 800 Cashout A man maker is a push-up, row, row, pop-up, clean and jerk using dumbbells.


3 Sets of 4-Rounds 10 kb thrusters (35s)   5 kb sdhp (70) Rest 5 min between sets


For Time 100 KB swings  #50 75 tire flips 50 burpees  #50 25 overhead lunges. #50


22 Min Amrap 1- hill run 5 – thrusters 50lb ball